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almost a week had passed since ni-ki had gotten that call. with every passing second, sunoo had been practicing the song he planned to sing for his audition. ni-ki claimed it to be perfection already, but sunoo felt he still wasn't good enough.

a couple days into the week, he had finally received the email that explained the details of his audition. him and five other candidates were to privately audition for the head of hybe and enhypen's manager. and to top it off, enhypen themselves would be there, as well.

the thought of having to sing and dance in front of enhypen made him nervous, but what made him most nervous was singing and dancing in front of park sunghoon. stupid, right?

he wasn't sure why he was so scared. technically, sunghoon had already heard him sing once. but then again, sunoo was singing thinking nobody else was listening. this time, he'd be face to face with sunghoon's captivating eyes. the same eyes that found his on stage that night...

"ugh, get out of my head!" sunoo shrieks, grasping his hair in his hands. he sits behind the counter at work, hardly able to focus on anything but the audition he has the next day.

it's funny how much he's admired enhypen for the long while he has been a fan of them, yet he never really chose a favorite member, or focused on any of the members really, for that matter. he honestly just loved their music. but now, park sunghoon has somehow made it to the top of his "bias list" and he won't budge.

"you okay, dude?"

sunoo's co-worker, daniel kim, eyed him for his strange behavior. he had just approached from the back room to see sunoo practically yanking his hair out and a costumer witnessing the act as they walked in (and lowkey debated on walking right back out).

sunoo nods, a slight blush tinting his cheeks from embarrassment. "yeah, sorry. just thinking about tomorrow."

he had told daniel all about it. daniel is around his age and one of the only co-workers he works shifts with. he'd consider them good friends, even if they haven't hung out outside of work.

"don't be nervous, you got this! you're way too talented not to get the spot."

sunoo appreciates the words of encouragement, but it was still hard to accept it. it's him and five other talented people. what are the odds he will truly get the spot?

"do you know who you're up against?" daniel then asks, taking the spot next to him behind the register.

sunoo shakes his head. "i have no clue. what if they're trainees? they probably have a way better shot than me if they are."

that's another thing sunoo has been stressed about. he has never been signed to any label, therefore he has never been in any type of training. some are in training for years before debuting. yes, sunoo can sing. and he isn't the worst dancer, a lot of that being thanks to ni-ki having helped him with dancing for as long as they'd been friends. but is that enough?

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