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"i think we need to rethink everything."

sunghoon had come to realize his jean pocket felt noticeably lighter on their walk down the hallway back to the van. that revelation is what brings him back to the outside of the boss's closed office door, concluding his wallet must have slipped out. he can barely prepare to knock because he hears the familiar low and irritatingly loud speaking voice of his boss coming from inside the room holding his poor wallet hostage.

curiosity gets the best of him as he gently presses his ear to the smooth wood. clearly, he can't just burst into the office and grab his wallet in silence. honestly, he doesn't even want to knock and interrupt whatever the boss is conversing about. some small gut feeling inside of him is saying to stay put. so he does. there's a bit of shuffling coming from the other side until there's talking again.

"suddenly, they don't want to do anything about it." —a scoff—"why come out as homosexual all over the fucking internet, then?"

sunghoon wants to laugh. hm, maybe because we still want to live a truthful and happy life alongside our career, you ignorant fuck?

it dawns on sunghoon that there's no getting around this. he's in too deep to just walk away and retrieve his wallet another time. he's been given this chance to be invisible, simply an ear to listen. or maybe....

the gears begin turning in sunghoon's head. his hands react faster than his brain does, so they fumble a bit as he reaches into the jean pocket that didn't contain his wallet to pull out his phone instead. he sucks in a breath, his trembling fingers hurriedly admitting his phone password and then clicking desperately on the voice memo app. he presses record.

"if they're not gonna use their homosexual relationships to benefit themselves, the group, or the company, then i don't see a fucking point....delete their posts. and make sure you approve each one of them in the future before it goes up."

it's all he needed to hear. sunghoon quickly ends the recording and shoves his phone back into his pocket. does he know what he's going to do with this video? not a clue. but it's evidence. evidence that could be used against the monster behind the door. for now, that's enough.

sunghoon decides his wallet can wait until morning as he scurries back to the van outside.


he's unusually silent the whole way home. how should he approach it? does he show it to his members? does he show just sunoo? who's bigger than the boss? how do you fire a boss?

these endless questions follow sunghoon up the elevator all the way to his apartment door.


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