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sunghoon falls back onto his bed with a content sigh, pleased with how his day had gone. one thing he loves about livestreams is getting to let everyone else converse so he can sit back and observe. well, observe sunoo, to be more specific.

he's felt so torn lately between wanting to crush on sunoo and wanting to avoid consequences of it, so much so that his brain has been mush. sunghoon remembers the feeling of comfort and pure bliss he had when his arms had been secured around sunoo's waist back in the company car. how he wishes he could keep them there forever.

"what's got you smiling like an idiot over there?" jungwon quizzes the older, having just approached from the bathroom after washing up.

the blonde's lips instantly press together. "i wasn't smiling," he lies.

jungwon snorts. "yeah, sure. if i were to take a guess, i'd say it had something to do with the livestream earlier."

sometimes sunghoon hates when jungwon is spot on about things. he makes it so much harder to keep up a mysterious aura. "and what if it does?"

jungwon plops atop the bed opposite sunghoon's. "hm...then i'd get even more specific and assume it has to do with the guy you sat next to during the livestream."

just the mere mention of it resurfaces the smile onto sunghoon's face. at this, jungwon chuckles. "you're too obvious."

sunghoon rolls over, his body completely facing jungwon's bed now. his grin fades and his expression grows more serious. "he hates me, doesn't he?"

jungwon questions the worry laced in sunghoon's tone. "what makes you think that?" he asks, even if he knows the answer.

a scoff elicits from the older. "please, everyone and their mother has seen the way i've been towards sunoo. i've been cold. i'm sure he hates me for it."

"i'm not saying i haven't noticed the way you've been acting. trust me, you were a brat the first day he came," jungwon explains, "but i've never seen an inkling of hate towards you from him. he's kind of the sweetest person in the world, i don't think he can hate a fly."

sunghoon crosses his arms, pouting childishly. "yah! don't call him the sweetest person in the world. get your own future boyfriend."

jungwon rolls his eyes. "he's not gonna be your future boyfriend if you don't get your shit together."

the truth hurts, but sunghoon knows jungwon is right. maybe he should confide in his best friend and unravel his feelings and concerns...

"now what's wrong?"

apparently, sunghoon's inner crisis had been visible on his highly expressive face. that outcome in itself pretty much answered his dilemma. "i'm scared that...if i get to close to him or allow my feelings to grow...."

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