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the wails and thunderous screams of pure joy boom through the arena as one of the most exhilarating concerts sunoo has ever attended comes to an end. the rest of the night went perfectly, even though sunoo didn't catch sunghoon's eye again after that one moment. he doesn't know why he expected to. it was all probably in my head, anyways.

"that was so fucking good, wasn't it?!" ni-ki shrieks in sunoo's ear, gripping his shoulder as they stick close together in order to not get lost in the crowd of bodies trying to exit. "wanna get merch?"

a weird feeling pops into sunoo's stomach and he suddenly finds himself saying, "i actually need to use the toilets one last time."

riki nods, letting go of his shoulder and pulling out his mobile phone. "i'll be over here, text me when you're out, sun."

sunoo sends him a thumbs up before walking away. sure, there's a men's room adjacent to him, but it isn't the one his feet are planning on taking him to. he isn't even sure he has to use the bathroom, but if he somehow ran into park sunghoon again, he wouldn't be shocked if his bladder decided to surprise him.

who am i kidding? why would sunghoon be there again? now that the concert is over, i'm sure he's way too busy and the toilets will probably have a–

–line. sunoo sighs to himself as the restroom, that was once empty earlier in the night, now consists of a long line of people snaking outside the door and into the hall. he runs a hand through his hair as he thinks of what to do.

in the end, he decides it's stupid. why would sunghoon be back here? and why does he even want to find him? just because he saw sunoo in the toilets once and he heard him sing? he's probably heard a lot of fans sing his songs. you're being stupid, sunoo.

sunoo shakes his head shamefully, turning around to make his way back to ni-ki. he stands in the same spot as sunoo left him, thumbs typing away on his phone. ni-ki glances up once he sees sunoo approaching, a smile spreading across his face. "hey! ready to go?"

sunoo nods, forcing a small smile. he doesn't want ni-ki to suspect anything, but for some reason, he finds himself somewhat bummed. knowing he wouldn't see sunghoon again saddened him and he still is not so sure as to why. he doesn't even know him, he's just a member of his favorite kpop group. why must i always overthink everything?

"sun? you good?"

riki breaks sunoo's spell and he's reminded that he's literally walking on the crosswalk. focus, sunoo!

"oh, uh, y-yeah. fine, sorry," he stammers dumbly.

fortunately, ni-ki just laughs it off and continues walking beside him back to the car.

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