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it should have been a typical morning. one last rehearsal before the show the next day. everyone simply perfecting the little details of their choreographies and facial expressions. all the altercations for stage outfits being fixed. just a typical day.

but let's be honest, nothing about sunoo's debut in enhypen so far has been typical.

and to start off this beautiful thursday morning, sunoo is awakened by jungwon and informed that the boss wants to meet with him.

him and sunghoon.

sunoo finds his thoughts racing the whole time he's getting dressed. what could it possibly be about? it's probably just a strange coincidence, right?

just as he's about to make his way to the kitchen and grab a snack for the ride to the boss's office, sunghoon enters the doorway of his room.

"hi," he mumbles, his body a bit stiff and his face laced with worry and uncertainty.

sunoo is hit with the urge to embrace the older in reassurance, but he's just as terrified as sunghoon is. the blonde holds out a hand in which sunoo graciously accepts. the two advance toward the van outside, remembering to dis-envelope their hand hold once they stepped outside the building.

eventually, the two find themselves standing in front of the office door they only wished they didn't have to enter. why did it seem as if they were being busted for something? sunoo but his lip, mentally reminding himself to stay optimistic.

"sit down, boys," the boss demanded once they both begrudgingly stepped foot into the room. they did as told and the boss continued. "do you know why you're both here today?"

meagerly, they shook their heads. the boss scoffed, a smug look on his face. "you two think you're so clever, huh?"

sunghoon's gonna be sick. his body goes numb and his brain can only pray this isn't what he thinks it is.

"you really thought nobody would find out about your dirty little secret?"

no. this can't be happening. sunghoon almost forgets how to breathe.

"last night. right outside my fucking window. how long did you think you could keep this shit up? next thing you know the cover in the tabloids is two enhypen members in a gay relationship. is that the kind of fool you take me for? some idiot who let his own employees get away with this shit under his nose?"

sunoo had never seen someone so fueled with rage and hatred and disgust. he's instantly brought back to the day his own family disowned him for his sexuality. yet, their reactions were the complete opposite. he was met with the cold shoulder, and right now, sunoo couldn't decide if pure silence was better or not.

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