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"i think you'll quite enjoy this one."

"i do, as well. thanks again."

it always feels so rewarding to have succeeded in selling a guitar to a customer. normally, people know what they want. they're in and out in a flash. there's always the few select customers that care a lot about the instrument and will ask sunoo his opinions on it. connecting to anyone about music is one of his favorite feelings in the world.

"sunoo, we're closing up shop," his co-worker tells him.

it isn't a long way home, but once he arrives, exhaustion hits him like a ton of bricks, almost like he had been walking for days just to reach his bedroom from the guitar shop. today, sunoo comes home to a smiley nishimura riki waiting for him on the sofa of the living room. sunoo raises an eyebrow at him, a smirk playing on his lips. "what's got you so happy?" he asks him.

ni-ki holds his phone in his hands as he stands up from his place on the couch. practically skipping, he makes his way over to sunoo, and before sunoo can say anything, let's out a glass-shattering shriek.

"yah!! my ears!" sunoo whines.


sunoo scrunches up his nose, but nods, indicating for him to go on.

"i just got a call from the hybe management," he explains.

"hybe? as in enhypen's hybe?" sunoo asks in disbelief. a mix of feelings hit him all at once. so, ni-ki got a call from hybe, huh? they must have saw his dancing in the crowd or maybe they recognized him at the concert to offer him a choreography gig. sunoo should be happy, no, he is happy for him. he forces a smile as ni-ki continues.

ni-ki, who was jumping up and down like a child, stops jumping and allows a boxy grin to spread along his own lips. "they called for you, sun! i guess they found a video i had posted of you singing on my instagram and now they're asking if you can privately audition TO BE A MEMBER OF EN-FUCKING-HYPEN! the audition next week!"

sunoo's heart plummets to his feet. if this is a sort of prank, it's absolutely sick. but judging by the pure, overjoyed expression on riki's face, sunoo just knows he's telling the truth. he's honestly in pure shock, leaving him at a loss for words. "i—w-what does this mean?" he stammers.

"it means you're getting your big break!"


"how on earth did you find him?" jungwon asks sunghoon that night at their apartment.

the five boys shared an apartment complex, owning three separate spaces on the same floor, curtesy of their management. heeseung had his own apartment, sunghoon shared one with jungwon, and jake shared his with jay. currently, jungwon sat on top of his bed, cross-legged as sunghoon scrolled on his computer from the desk adjacent.

"trust me, i didn't find him. i explained the details of what he looked like to jake and he was able to use some sort of magic to find him. i guess sunoo's best friends with that choreographer ni-ki, you know the one who choreographs for stray kids a lot? jake knows him a bit from hanging out with felix a couple of times."

jungwon nods, taking in sunghoon's explanation. "i have no idea who that choreographer guy is, but i'll take your word for it." it would make sense that jake would be the one to find it out, especially since jake is friends with, like, everyone. "so i know how you got the boss to agree to his audition, but the real question is how do you know this kim sunoo guy in the first place?"

sunghoon turns around in his chair, now facing jungwon fully so he could tell him the strange story of how they met.

jungwon certainly was at a loss for words once sunghoon finished. "wait. so, he sang to himself in a public bathroom while he was peeing?"

hearing it back, sunghoon thought the whole thing sounded a lot weirder than it seemed in the moment. but regardless of how they met, he knew that kim sunoo's voice couldn't get out of his head. kim sunoo. the name suited him.

"anyways, lemme hear his singing," jungwon said before sunghoon could answer his previous question. he hopped up from his spot on the bed to join sunghoon over at the computer, in which the video was still popped up on his screen.

sunghoon clicked play and jungwon instantly heard what sunghoon meant. the voice was beautiful. "dang, i hope he gets signed to be with us! he's great! not that i have heard any of the other five possible candidates..."

sunghoon cracks a subconscious smile, mesmerized by the video he's already watched countless times. "i know, right? he'd be perfect."

"uh oh." jungwon recognized that face and that tone coming from his group mate. "what is this behavior, park sunghoon?"

sunghoon quirked an eyebrow, confused. "behavior?"

"yeah, i know that face you just made. you totally have a thing for this guy, don't you?"

sunghoon's scoffed, completely aware of his blushing cheeks. "i don't know him well or anything, but, like, only an insane person would deny he's attractive."

"i didn't say he wasn't attractive," jungwon countered, "i'm just saying i know you and you rarely have a thing for people. you totally have a thing for kim sunoo, though. it's written on your face."

shit, was he that see-through?

sunghoon stood up from his desk chair, taking to his bed, in which he crawled into the covers and turned his back towards jungwon. "goodnight."

now it was jungwon's turn to scoff. "stubborn ass."

the younger took it upon himself to do some more scrolling on the laptop sunghoon left wide open. he scrolled to the next video, assuming it would be another one of kim sunoo. instead, it was a video of a much taller looking boy dancing to a stray kids song.

let's just say jungwon watched every single video on that instagram page before he went to bed.

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