Chapter 18

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Tris' POV

I feel every ounce of optimism has been drained from me.
Our cell is so eerily silent - the only sounds breaking through are Christina's soft sobs that invade her sleep. Marcus hasn't said a word since the plug was pulled on Will but I can't decide whether I want him to talk again - remind us that we aren't just slowly fading away from the world.

The familiarity of Tobias' arms engulf me as he pulls me into his chest. "I hate this," I whisper but my voice comes out dry and raspy.

A long sigh escapes him and I can feel the warmth of his breath on my neck. "I know," he replies.

We sit for a few more minutes until Lynn suddenly stands up - letting out a frustrated grunt in the process. "Let us out, you bastard!" She screamed and started to throw kicks and punches at the white wall. "Let. Us. Out!"

"Calm down," Zeke scolds.

"Calm down? Calm down? No Zeke, I will not 'calm down' and do you know why?" She kicks at one of the metal stools before continuing. "Within a twenty-four hour time period, that bastard has killed two of our friends, scared the living shits out of all of us and carved sketches into two more of our friends backs! So Zeke, if you tell me to calm down, I swear to God that I'll rip your tongue out-"

"Ooh, feisty."

Marcus' voice returned for all but three seconds before leaving us once more.

She became a wild animal... No more petty, frustrated fighting - Lynn was fighting for her survival now. She continuously threw herself against the wall and left a slight trail of blood from split knuckles. The girls movements became tragic as her shoulders slammed over and over again in to the wall.

"Let us out," she squeaked and rested her forehead against the - now, slightly chipped - paint.

The girl spun so that the crown of her head was now resting on the wall and slowly slid down into a crouched position. Lynn let out one large sigh and the room fell silent once more... "Fuck you, Marcus!" The silence was broken.

She leapt up and ripped the seat of the stool off the legs that were built into the floor and continuously pounded on the wall at the same spot. "Fuck, you," she hissed and continued to chisel away at the white paint with the metal disk that was held in her hands.

"Lynn!" Shauna scolded from were she sat next to Zeke.

"No, Shauna...don't you 'Lynn' me." By this time, Lynn had removed a large amount of the paint.

"No you idiot," Shauna rolled her eyes at her sister's ignorance and went to take the metal plate off her. "It's a mirror! Behind the paint is a mirror."

"Oh whoop-de-doo! Great, now you and Christina can fix your hair and the way, you both look like a wreck." The stroppy girl threw her arms into the air as sarcasm rolled off her tongue like a native language.

Her words triggered something for me just then... An instinct took over my body. All the shouting silenced as I peeled myself away from Tobias and walked over to the shiny glass that was now unveiled. Slowly, my hands peeled away at the flaking paint until a larger portion of wall was revealed.

My fingers curled as I knocked against the glass. Instead of the loud clashes that Lynn created, a booming echo filled the room. We're in a simulation, Marcus' previous speeches came flooding back to me.

"Everyone help peel the paint off," I ordered and continued to wipe at the wall.

"What-" Uriah started but I cut him off.

"Just do it."

Bit by bit, the white paint slowly fell to the floor as everyone helped to remove it. Our dark and blood soaked clothes were invaded by the white powdery residue that escaped from every fleck.

No one questioned me - not even once. They must've realised that I have some sort of plan in mind...and at this moment in time; any plan is a good plan as long as it doesn't involve dropping dead.

We worked for hours, the walls growing bare and reflections duplicating with every new inch that was cleared.

Oh God, I hope this works...For the love of all things holy, this HAS to work! I kept doubting myself over and over. What if I'm wrong?

More and more of the paint was cleared until finally...there was no more.

"Right," Time to put this plan into action. ",everyone grab the top of a stool and stand in a circle, backs facing inwards."

I went over to one of the metal chairs and easily popped off the top of it.

"Tris," Tobias caught my arm whilst whispering to me. ",whatever you're doing - please don't go on one of your suicide missions... I need you."

My fingers lifted up to stroke the slight stubble on his chin, "And I need you, that's why we're getting out of here." they gently pulld his face closer towards my own and my lips brushed against his slightly.

"What was that for?" He asked with a slight cockyness to his tone.

I watched as his tongue ran along his bottom lip before replying. "Just in case."

We're all in our circle, backs facing inwards, Tobias to my left and Chritina to my right. All everyone was waiting for was my next set of instructions...

"On three, we are all going to throw the stools at our reflections. Aim for your head and throw as if you are trying to get the disk to lodge itself in the wall. It will be loud - don't flinch, everyone has to remain completely frozen." I recieve a few short sounds that signal understandment so I beging to count. "One," everyone raises the matal disk up to their shoulders, "two," inhale, "three!" exhale and throw.

Time slowls and I watch the disk spin towards refleftion me's head. The metal dis spins and then on impact a roaring ring deafens me.

The reflections warp and the glass shatters to the floor. A bright light floods in and weightlessness takes over.


I'm back! Okay, so there is a masive long list of excuses I could give as to why there hasn't been an update in ages but you guys probably dont want to hear all of them... In short: school. I had my final French exam today so the updates will return to their normal frequencies.

Who's ready to kick some Marcus ass?!

As always, I don't own Divergent, nor do I claim to.

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