Chapter 19

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Tobias' POV

My head is throbbing and something is jabbing awkwardly into my spine. I lift my hands up to rub my sore eyes as they adjust to the dimly lit room.

Various limbs are draped over me in what can only be described as a mountain of bodies that have been piled up in this small room.

Slowly, I peel myself out of the mound until I reach the top and see who my companions are... I seem to be sat on top of Uriah's head and Christina's back once I reach the surface.

"Hello?" I test my sore throat but no one gives a response. "Guys?" Silence. "Uriah?" I shift off of him and bring the back of my hand round his face.

"Ouch," The semiconscious Uriah complains and rubs the cheek I just slapped. "Mom, it's not a school day," he mumbles and squirms away from me.

"I'm not your mother."

"Then go back to bed Marlene... We can go for round two when I'm actually awake." Ew.

My hands clamp firmly round his shoulders as I begin to shake violently. "Uriah," I hiss as his head flops back and forth. "Get up, now!"


A frustrated sigh escapes me at his last remark. "I ate your cake." It comes out flat and monotonous.

"What?!" He shoots up before toppling down the mound and slamming into the floor on a crumpled lump.

Apparently, his scream was loud enough to wake everyone else up since the hill starts to move and I slowly descend to the floor.

I fish Tris out of the tangled limbs and lay her against the wall since she is still sleeping.

"Will?" Christina's soft voice breaks the silence as her torso emerges from the back of the clump. "Will?" She calls again. "Will?!"

The tanned girl frantically demolishes the massive wad of our friends, waking everyone as she rolls them to the floor. "Will!"

People are screaming in protest at their violent awakening but she continues to throw them aside as she searches.

One by one, she uncovers people and throws them to the floor when she realizes that it's not him.

I notice how Tris' eyes start to flutter open just as a limp body gets thrown down in front of her. Peter.

Her scream is piercing as the boys blood covered face lands millimeters in front of her own. She scrambles away from the boy and to her feet in a matter of seconds before my arms find their way round her shoulders.

"You did it, it worked, we're out," I coo into her hair as her breaths slow and fall in line with my own. "You're a genius, Tris. An incredibly beautiful genius... My genius."

"I'm-" she starts to say but is cut of by a high pitched shriek.

"Will!" Christina. "Will! Will, get up, Will! Get up you lazy ass!" She sobs frantically whilst trying to make him stand. We all seem to have gathered in a circle surrounding her so seven pairs of eyes are scrutinising her every move.

" He's just sleeping, help me wake him up!" No one moves. "Help me wake him up God dammit!"


"No Zeke! Don't say it! I swear to God, if you say it, I'll slap you so hard it won't even be funny."

"Chris, he's-"

"No he's not!"

"Christina, he really is-"

"No he isn't!"

"Christina, Will's dead!" My voice echoes through the room and Chris' eyes lock with mine.

"How. Dare. You." Her once distraught voice now cold and filled with anger. She advances my way in just four long strides before her hand makes contact with my face.

"Ouch," I wince with sarcastic pain. Don't get me wrong...the slap was painful but I've endured much worse in my time.

She pulls back her arm to throw a punch at me next but I grab her by the wrists and spin her round so her back is pressed to my stomach. "Get off me," she wails and struggles to free herself.

"It's not gonna work, Christina. I could hold you like this for hours if I felt like it but right now, we have to get going." On the final word I throw her over my shoulder as she continues to kick and scream.

I turn so that she is facing away from the group and signal for Uriah and Zeke to collect the crumpled Will from the floor. They drape his arms over their shoulders and his feet drag slightly.

"Are we ready to go then?" Tris grunts from the corner where she is trying to throw Peter over her shoulders.

"What are you doing?" I question as Christina continues to pound my back with her fists.

"Taking Peter." She struggles once more before he's lifted enough for her to walk.


"Because I am not going to just let him rot down here." She snarls with a bit to much defense in her tone.

"Let me help..." Marlene offers but Tris shakes her head.

"It's fine...I carried Eric all through Dauntless, I think I can handle Peter."

"You, what?" I scoff - shocked - as the girl over my shoulders continues to scream.

"I carried my friend's dead corpse up 46 flights of stairs because otherwise he would never have been put to rest, it's called human decency, something that your father lacks."

The room is silent for what seems like forever before Tris walks over to the small wooden door and slams her shoulder into it. It's thrown open and swings on it's creaky hinges as the echoes fill the room. "Let's go," she demands before striding out.


Hello! Happy birthday to me!

We are over two thirds of the way through our book! Let's call it 'our book' because I wouldn't have been able to write it without the amazing support from you people! (:

I'm thinking about starting a 'Divergent High' style book once this is finished (only 8-ish chapter left ) so let me know if you'd be interested in reading it and in the next chapter I'll tell you what I plan to do with it (I've already got the plot in mind so just need the encouragement to actually write it).

Once again, please check out my book 'Friendzoned in a Dorm', it would mean the world to me.

As always, I don't own Divergent or any of the characters associated with it.


I can't believe it! 'Candor or Dauntless -7 Days of Truth or Dare' is so close to 10k reads and has over 300 votes. You people are amazing! But guess what is also amazing... This book has over 4k reads and is so close to 200 votes! Thanks a million to every single one of you that has taken your time to read this, I never expected it to EVER get this many votes/reads/comments.

Thank you, -Melle

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