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"The way you were with her, it's just like how you are with me!"

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"The way you were with her, it's just like how you are with me!"

"Not so fast bitch" i said pointing my gun at her stepping out in front of Rio as me and Beth held guns to each other

"Maya, what are you doing" Rio said from behind me. I turned to him with teary eyes but no tears fell

"Just because you manage to get your way with him, doesn't mean that you'll get away with trying to put him away. So help me god, I will put a bullet in your brain without hesitation. But, I'm not you. I'm not a housewife that lives a miserable life. Your just doing this because your bored of it, I mean who wouldn't be. I know I would, anyone would. But now your enjoying it and your scared you'll become him. Well, I've got news for you darling. You never be him, because if you were. You would've shot him the first chance you got" I explained to her. I felt Rio's hands on my shoulders running down my arms. I turned to him and I chuckled slightly overwhelmed by emotion and adrenaline

"You can take it from here, I've said all I needed to" I said before turning to Beth and giving her a look. I went and stood back into place with Carson with my gun still in my hand. Rio sat back down and eyed Beth down once again

"How do I know it's loaded" Beth sobbed

"You can tell by the weight, full clip adds a pound" he smirked. He started to stand up and Beth looked terrified

"What are you doing?" She sniffled

"Oh, you thought you could skip this part huh? See, see thats, thats your problem right there. You wanna get down in the dirt so bad, but you wanna keep your hands clean huh?" He said slowly making his way towards her

"Do it Beth please" Dean begged

"You sit back down" Beth instructed Rio, I couldn't help but laugh and I saw a smile form on his face

"Do it Beth!" Dean said. We didn't pay any attention to him whatsoever

"SIT!" She shouted at him. Rio just laughed and so did I, her thinking that she was in charge because she had the gun was hilarious to everyone but Dean

"What are you doing Beth!" Dean sobbed slightly

"What are you doing? Elizabeth" he said as he moved closer and closer

"I don't know, I just want it to be over" she said with a waterfall of tears falling down her face

"Yeah? Okay, let's end it. For real" he said moving closer and grabbing the gun from her hand

"It's alright, it's okay. You did your best" he went closer and closer to her leaving a small gap between them.

He raised his hand gently and pushed her hair out of her face. I wanted to cry in that moment, I thought that I was the only one that he did that too. Carson noticed and he gave me a look and nodded and I nodded back saying that I was fine when I really wasn't. He had the gun in his hand, and quickly pointed it towards Dean and shot him.

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