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We arrived at the beach an hour later and it was even more beautiful than I saw online. The sand on the beach was so soft it felt like walking on clouds, and the sky was clear with no clouds. It was surreal as we spent the whole day exploring, sunbathing and swimming in the warm ocean, Cassie got a little sunburnt as she forgot her sunscreen and me and Addie got a tan that wasn't that dark but darker than our normal skin tone. We got back to the house and we were all exhausted from walking and climbing rocks that weren't actually that hard to climb, we all collapsed onto the couch once we got inside

"That was. Amazing" Cassie said

"Only because you got thousands of pictures for your Instagram" I joked

"What, can I not take pictures? And besides, my followers are going to eat this uppp" she grabbed her phone from her jacket on the floor and started to scroll through all the photos she took. Jesus! She took hundreds! She normally does that when she finds something she likes she always takes a photo of it for memories

"Wait, stop on that one!" I tapped the screen and stopped on a photo of us laughing with wind in our hair and the rocks behind us creating the perfect backdrop

"Send that to me"

"Send what?" Adeline finally spoke. She was asleep bless her

"Tired?" I chuckled

"Leave me alone, it was a long walk and my feet hurt" she said

"True. Hear from Dante this morning?" I asked

"Yeah, he said to have fun and 'let loose' as he put it" she answered

"Tell him I said thank you" I said

"So, what did Rio say?" She fired back. Touché

"Nothing much, he said if it happens again I should call him" I told her

"Still perfect, huh?" She said

"Yeah" i cracked a half smile. I missed him being this far away, It might be separation anxiety I don't know

"I need a drink, I don't know about you guys?" Cassie said

"Second to that!"


The blinding sunlight peaking through a space in the curtain shone right onto my eyes and making me wake me up way earlier than i'd like, I tried to go back to sleep for an hour and didn't succeed. i stretched out my arm and gabbed my phone of my bedside table, when my eyes adjusted to the light i saw a million texts from Beth and 5 missed calls. What the fuck??

"Emergency. Money been stolen"

"Need help"

"Come to my house. ASAP"

How the fuck did her money get stolen? I turned the other way and placed my arm on the flat side beside me. I forgot she's not here. I'm not used to her not being her, she's always here. I threw on a clean shirt and jeans and headed out of the house, if there's one thing I hate. It's being alone when I don't want to be

"They put your panties in his mouth?" I threw my head back in laughter

"Don't say panties" she said grossed out. Hearing about Dean getting tied up and held at gunpoint, Is so ironic to me

"Oh, please, don't tell me you call them underwear. Don't be that lady" I chuckled

"None of this is funny"

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