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"To a girls vacay!"

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"To a girls vacay!"

Over the next few days, Rio kept coming home later and later everyday and it was putting Maya on edge. Her mind went to the wrong place and it was uneasy for her. That same week her and Rio agreed to go to Marcus's school play that he had and he said that he would leave business at home

"Hey, where are you going?" She asked as I got up from my place in the audience

"Bathroom. I'll be back in a minute" I said not sticking around to hear her response. I lied, I wasn't going the bathroom I was going to meet Beth. I promised her I was going to leave business at home but this was an urgent business matter. I waited at the refreshments counter for her after sending her a text

"What's 50-50 mean to you?" I asked

"If this is about the drop-off, I'm doing it in the morning" she replied

"50-50 means I'm paying you so damn much, I don't have to come and track you down anymore. At your recitals and swim and the orthodontist" I said

"Why do I feel like we keep having this conversation?" She interrupted

"You tell me" I said sternly. After a couple seconds she finally replied

"Well, then let's stop" she said

"See, problem is, our customers, they want their drop tonight. See, me and you, we're like FedEx now, right? They sleep, we deliver 'cause if we don't, we're gonna hear about it" i told her.

"Well, I'm with my family, Why don't you do it?" She asked


"Thank you"

"I'll take the 100%"

"What?" She said confused at my remark

"I'll do your job for you, you take all the personal days you want" I said. We held eye contact for a few seconds too long before she finally said something

"I'll drop the car off tonight"

"Cool. Thanks, Partner" I called out as she walked away.

God, dealing with her made me frustrated. But not in the way I originally intended. She knew how to rile me up and knew my weaknesses, I was a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. I needed to get this under control before it takes over my thoughts. Guess it's too late for that now. I slipped through the crowd as the performance ended and Marcus was already with Maya

"Hey, what took you so long?" She asked

"Long line" i sighed as she gave me a look then looking back down at the kid in front of her

"Well, you were amazing buddy" she said scooping him up into her arms and carrying him out the building as i followed behind them trying to act normal like I wasn't lying right to her face. I walked behind them as they laughed together "Get your head in the game!" A voice in my head said. Now my thoughts were controlling me. Fucking brilliant

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