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"What the hell! No! Don't do that again or I will set your car on fire with you in it!"

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"What the hell! No! Don't do that again or I will set your car on fire with you in it!"

Over the next two days Maya, Rio, Cassie and Carson moved into their new house starting a new chapter in their lives together. Beth free. Drama free. They kept the apartment incase anything happened to their house. It was already furnished with beautiful furniture and interior, they packed up everything except the furniture in their apartment so it wasn't a lot for them to bring

"Just need to unpack everything. It looks beautiful" I said short of breath from helping Rio move the last of the boxes into the house

"It'll look better once the family's here" he said sliding his hand around my neck stopping at my shoulder and pulled me into him landing a kiss on my head

"It's perfect. I love it" I said as I admired the inside and how I can already see people running around and the movie nights on the couch and me cooking in the kitchen watching me like I was a piece of art. Marcus ran upstairs and Rio and I followed hand in hand

"What room do you want pop?" Rio asked playfully

"This one!" He stood in the master bedroom but we both knew that it was ours

"That's mine and daddy's room, you can have the one at the end of the hall" i chuckled. Marcus ran off leaving me and Rio in the middle of our bedroom with a huge master bed and beautiful windows with a built in wardrobe and an on-suite bathroom and other things

"My family called, and they want us to come over for dinner soon Me, you and Marcus. Is that okay?" He said

"Of course! I love your family! Especially your little cousin Lucia, she's very good at nails" I said. We gazed around the room before heading back downstairs, his hand laced with mine the entire time. He does that when somethings wrong

"What's wrong?" I asked


"Your holding my hand for longer than you normally do, what's going on in that beautiful head of yours?" I said

"Nothing" he said

"You can tell me, I won't judge" I said

"Work stress. That's all" he answered

"Can't you try and cut down on work if you can?" I asked

"You say that like it's easy. It's not easy running a business" he chuckled under his breath

"Anything I need to know about the Beth operation?" I said

"Nah, just that she's running that car dealership that she and her husband own" he replied instantly

"Yeah I saw that on tv yesterday, that cringey ad she did, Jesus the woman can't act to save her life" I scoffed. He laughed at my statement and it made my heart warm

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