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"Well we're not here to buy cars are we love"

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"Well we're not here to buy cars are we love"

Two days later, I woke up feeling pretty much the same. Numb. Although, everyone tried to cheer me up but it was useless. Rio insisted I go with him to his tennis matches he goes to every so often, I couldn't sit around moping all day. It would kill me. So I went with him, I tried to at least look presentable so I threw on an oversized black top and jeans and straightened my hair and put on a little mascara and concealer to cover the horrible bags under my eyes to hide the sleepless nights I've been getting. When we arrived he met his lawyer there to catch up on the recent problem, Beth's rotten egg. I was sitting outside when Rio came and sat opposite me pouring himself a cup of coffee

"Wanna play next?" He asked

"Nah, I'm just gonna sit here and soak up the sunlight" I sighed

"You can't beat me anyway, I'm too good" he said taking another sip of his coffee

"I don't think so"

"Really? Cmon then" he said walking away. My pride wouldn't let him have it. I got up and grabbed a racket following him down to the court. He stood on one side and I stood on the other



We had a rally going until Rio lost the first round then I lost the second. So it was tied

"Damn, didn't know you were that good!" He said out of breath

"You underestimate me" I laughed

"Right, Last round. Ready?" He said. I nodded before he threw the ball up in the air. We kept going for a minute until I missed and Rio won

"Told ya'" he smirked

"Okay, okay, I haven't played in years" I chuckled. We both walked back to the place where we sat and ate before we went home to everyone else


A few hours later, I was relaxing on the couch with a blanket over me trying not to let my emotions overwhelm me when suddenly Rio and Carson came in yelling at each other. I immediately turned to my head to see

"Come on man! It's the perfect plan!" Carson yelled at him

"No! No! I'm not doing that!" Rio yelled back in Defense

"I know! But think! You can make her do whatever you want at the click of a finger!" Carson explained

"Okay, who's not doing what!" I yelled over their conversation just as Rio was about to say something

"Basically, I have a plan and your not gonna like it" Carson said

"Of course, what is it?" I rolled my eyes

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