To be

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My name is Ophelia Rose Granato.

As of now, Ive been going to Hogwarts since 1st year, I am 16.

The end of summer is here and I am dreading the return I must make to school...

Don't get me wrong, I don't have any particular dislikes about the place. I have lots of acquaintances and don't necessarily feel the weight of being an outcast; But I wish something new was coming rather than the repetitive days of education I've lived for the past few years.

My mother left me with my father when I was 9, and had 6 more kids with the husband she later married. I have not had contact with her nor my so called siblings.

Therefore, I usually spend vacations with only my father and I. And although I love him dearly, you can only imagine the limited excitement I can experience during these times.

School is even worse, there's either superficial drama between my peers or constant studying and test.

As I see these issues people have to be none of my business and I refuse to let my grades become badly perceived I spend all of my time alone studying to taking care of what needs to be done.

People would guess I'm a Ravenclaw from how much I'm seen with paper and quill, but unfortunately I am a Slytherin.

Somewhere in the plot of my life Merlin destined me to be grouped with often foul and morally low standing witches and wizards, therefore making me liable to the same stereotypes.

The other Slytherin members are often too prejudice to even consider meeting new people outside of their known friends.

Therefore, making me lack very many exciting experiences.

I suppose it is partly my fault for keeping to myself too often, but i haven't found the right reason to leave the familiar comfort I've known to even try anything new.

I'm beginning to grow hungry for that new something.

The train has stopped.
I exit it with a silent prayer for change.

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