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Theo had found Blaise.

Turns out he had gotten sick and rushed away before he made a fool of himself.

Apparently, he only made it down the hallway before he let it all out on the floor.

He also had to clean it up, which explains why he was gone for so long.

"I cant- I cant believe you let Draco take my shot," he slapped Americus on the shoulder.

"It's alright Mate, I don't think you needed it anyway." Americus patted his back.

I returned back to the couch alongside Malfoy, while Americus and Blaise were stood in the center talking.

Judas was on the floor in between the seats of the couch, and Pansy, Nott, and Daphne went off to dance.

I was well beyond hammered.

I was also thinking about going to dance.

Judas had his back against the couch while sitting off the floor and started to tilt sideways in my direction.

I jumped as his head hit my leg, "Are- are you okay?" I laugh as I reached my hand towards Judas just in case he needed help getting up.

Judas looked up at me and Grabbed my leg, softly sliding his hand up and down, "Hello pretty lady," he slurred at me.

Malfoy sat forward and grabbed Judas's hand from my leg, "Enough Judas," He said sternly. "If you can't handle your whiskey, don't drink so much."

"Oh pft," was the only reply Judas gave before he was closing his eyes while laying sideways.

Malfoy started lifting him off the floor back into a seating position.

I laughed again.

"Do you think shit faced people are funny, Granato?" Malfoy asked with a cold face as he looked up at me, still helping his friend to sit up.

"Wha- who- No, I didn't mean it like- I'm sorry." I stuttered in confusion, for I didn't know how to reply to his sudden outburst.

I don't know why he's being such a twat to me when I haven't even done anything to him.

Also, in my defense I can't help my giggling because I'm just as hammered as Judas. I just happen to hide it better.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to offend." I apologize once more Draco and receive no reply.

Malfoy finally scoffs and shakes his head, he doesn't even acknowledge me.

I get up from the couch to leave.

I don't get out much. I sure as shit don't need this temperamental, mood swinging, bipolar, twat ruining my mood for the rest of the night.

I stumble away from the couch and towards the table in the center of the chairs to grab one of the remaining bottles so I may refill my drink.

As I'm unscrewing the cap from the opened whiskey bottle the cup gets suddenly grabbed from my hand.

"Merlin, don't you think you've had enough?" Draco says from my side while holding my cup in his hand.

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