Fresh beginnings, New experiences

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I walk into the great hall as first years bustle by in line and admire the surroundings of their future.

Their curious eyes and friendly smiles make me long to turn back time and relive my first years.
Apart of me worries for what their outcomes will be once they are my age.
I hope they do well.

I walk to the left and pray for a none intimate sitting arrangement at the Slytherin table. I'm not in the mood for conversing airless questions like how many trips people went on over vacation.

As I walk closer to the table my eyes observe its guest. Thankfully, the table is not too crowded.

There table is only about half full as of yet and the people sitting at it consist of one Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Theodore Nott, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Judas Lepoúl, and Americus Lange. I've been in Slytherin with these people for years, yet I've never had a fulfilling conversation with them. I wouldn't mind it staying that way.

I decide to sit in the middle of the half empty table to the right of Americus and diagonally across from Zabini.

As I fiddle with my bracelet and zone out I can hear the group beside me joking about the upcoming first years.

"I swear that boy looks like he's struggling to walk," Parkinson laughs.

Nott adds on, "Oi, hopefully he gets placed in Gryffindor. Merlin knows we don't need another large oaf holding us back in quidditch,"

The rest of the Group laughs or snickers. Greengrass slaps Nott in the chest despite the wicked grin on her face telling the world that she agreed.

I stare across at the Gryffindor table where I spot Fred and George Weasley and sigh.

George and I had a thing last year. Which ended unfortunately because I decided I didn't want to hear others make fun of our relationship anymore.

The one thing I like most about George Weasley was that he didn't need an invitation to talk, which was perfect for me, seeing as I often had little to say.

George also knew how to make a girl laugh, that's for sure.

Unfortunately, he was quite okay with the breakup, which partially bummed me out. But at the same time, I was glad we could keep a mutual respect for one another.

Occasionally I miss him.

"Granato," I hear my name called from the left side of the table.  Zabini is staring at me with a curious smile on his face as he pinches a piece of bread between his fingers before he pops it into his mouth.

I zone back in and look at him as a reply.

"How was your summer?" He asks casually wiping his hands together to rid any crumbs. The rest of the group slightly quiets down as they try to observe what is going on at the other end of the table.

"It was fine," I reply cooly and look back towards the Gryffindor table in hopes of satisfying his need for conversation.

"Are you coming to the Party later? You cant miss it."  The rest of Zabini's friend group grows fatally quiet and look at each-other as though their friend's head is slowly bursting into flames.

"I'm not sure, It depends on what I'm doing later.." I reply attempting to shake his sudden interest in what activities I participate in.

"Come on Granato, what could you be doing that's more important than having fun?...You never hang out with us," Zabini teases with a frown

"I'll think about it, thank you for the invite Zabini," I finish with a soft smile towards him and return to fiddling with the bracelet on my wrist.

The sorting is about to begin

Blaise Gets up from his side of the table and rushes around to my side of it. He sits down next to me, sandwiching me between him and Americus.

"Look...I know I seem a little pushy, but we need this party to be as packed as possible with full participation," he holds my shoulder gently, using a salesman voice in an attempt of convincing me.

"We," I watch as he circles his hand to point out the other people at the end of the table, "already know everybody else is more than likely going to come. However, we never see you at parties Granato."

I look around at everybody watching our interaction. Curious on how this is going to play out.

I turn my head back to blaise and wait for him to continue talking.

"So, my dear, I am begging you from the very very VERY bottom of my heart, to show. And I will never bother you about another party again." Zabini slaps his right hand over his heart and tilts his head, "I swear."

I pause for a few seconds before responding, "Okay...I'll go," I respond.

If I say no in front of all of these people, not only will they believe I'm a prude, but they'll also see me as stuck up.

Zabini jumps out of his seat and bows at me, "Thank you."

As he walks to the other side of the table he looks at me and smiles, "Who knows? You might even have fun."

I nod my head softly then continue staring ahead at the other tables.

The group of friends to my left resume a previous conversation.

The sorting begins.

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