chapter 2

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It had been a few days since you had appeared in the world you found yourself in. Thankfully you had figured out where you were which helped. If finding out being in your little sibling's favorite show was helpful at all. You had to be thankful that the show interested you enough that you could know the base of how everything worked.

Being a monkey was still a thing that startled you as well as you didn't feel right. At all. You couldn't really look at yourself changing your wardrobe into baggy clothes from the money you had gotten from some odd jobs and the five-finger discount, something you learned in high school. The tail was what you had the hardest time with at the moment not able to get it under control or move how you wanted it to move which was not at all and for it to stay in your pants.

It was a special brand of annoying that not even your little brother could reach and that said something.

Right now you were at a farmers market looking for things to swipe for a meal, not having an identity in a new world, especially one so technologically advanced made things extremely hard for someone like you. But thankfully someone around here was bound to have something worth eating that you could yank from a table before the person manning the table could see or realize what you had done. You could pay for it, but you needed the money for other stuff, like non-perishable canned foods, or a shower.

While you looked you passed a pig ranting about carrots and paused looking, oh hey that was that pig character Pigsy, huh... if you remember right he had a restaurant, and seeing as this market mostly only took cash? Well, it seemed you had your lucky day. You did feel bad he was a good character mostly focused on responsibility and all that which you could dig, and if he was more liked by your little brother you would feel far more guilty for what you were about to do.

You passed by and walked for a second taking a deep breath and getting ready to run if you needed to, as well as accepting fully the fact you were stealing from a main character. This wouldn't be the smartest move from you if you got caught and you would most definitely not be able to enter the shop he ran. But! As your stomach rumbled you needed to do what you needed to do.

Spinning on your heel you walked back in the direction of Pigsy and that other dude Tong? Zang? Something like that you never could remember.

you noted his distracted state at a new stand the whole thing smelt bad but whatever walking in from behind you slipped his wallet out of his pocket in his distracted state.

Just in time to hear the owner of the tent pull him inside... Wait, was this the spider episode? You stopped for a moment holding the wallet and turning to look back at the creepy tent.

yeah it was and you know what? not your problem! You pulled out a wad of cash dropping the wallet on the ground he could just get a new one, even if that was annoying to do so it wasn't like it wouldn't get lost down in the sewers anyway with how much he and the other guy got thrown around so often.

In the meantime, you just needed to focus on not feeling guilty about what you had done. After all, it isn't like this actually mattered, this was all characters in a show that didn't exist and this was all a dream cooked up by the fact you were in the hospital. That is why you were here, it's not like you died and popped into existence over here because of some sick fuck universe.

right now you needed to survive and survival meant stealing and doing what was needed. even if it was morally questionable. 

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