chapter 10

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AN: so fun fact if you haven't guessed already this is a slow burn fic. 


It was hard getting into the group dynamic by just being a regular customer but one day you noticed pigsy using downtime to mop and you decided to help him by using your strength to lift heavy items out of the way. 

you ended up learning you didn't know how strong you were and you got a job helping keep the restaurant clean. 

you still counted as homeless but Pigsy paid you better than Macaque did but that didn't stop the shadowy demon from lurking around making sure you kept up your part of the job. He did say once you were close enough to everyone he had a plan but you didn't know what it was and honestly, the lack of control you felt brought up unpleasant memories for you. 

you shoved them to the side and always came to work on time though and didn't leave until the shop was spotless down to even moving the fridge twice a week to clean under around and behind it. 

it was enough to keep you in pigsys good books for the time being but there was still suspicion about you you couldn't help but feel like this was one of those keep your friends close but your enemies closer moments in time.

with your knowledge of events you just kept sitting there waiting for the other shoe to drop for the bone demon to strike and for her mech to flood the skyline with its massive size. 

which is how you were spending your day off in your home, constantly checking the windows and pacing around.

"calm down kid you're doing fine they don't suspect a thing" Macaque's voice behind you caused you to jump away from him in fright causing the monkey to laugh.

"Stop doing that! it's not funny!" was your only voice of complaint to him but it fell on deaf ears. as he ignored you and leaned against a wall looking you over.

"you know. you really are a little kid in an adult's body, aren't you Y/n" his voice was smooth almost but held an edge to it that made you want to run and hide. his golden eyes turned to you and seemed to look into you and through you.

your legs trembled as you realized those shadow clones coming back only this time crowding around you.

"you know-" Macaque stopped away from the wall and got up close to you looking at you intently "You and MK share one thing in common, at some point both of you just started existing. you both have no pasts to listen to"

"so what are you?" his face was so close to yours and you lashed out a fist only for him to catch it and toss you back into his shadows without effort their hands holding you in place and making you look at the much stronger demon as he grinned down at you with a dark look 

"your future can't be heard, your present is barely holding on and you don't have a past" Suddenly you remembered Macaque's abilities and you struggled harder against his clones

"I DON'T KNOW OKAY?!" you shouted and just like that he backed off the clones gone leaving you on the floor 

"well, you better figure that out" by the time you looked up he was gone leaving you terrified in the place you called home.

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