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Caroline was sitting alone in Mystic Grill looking around frowning. She tried to call someone but when they didn't answer her face fell.

"Wait! Wasn't this the day which we were supposed to hang out?". Elena asked from Caroline and Bonnie.

"Yes, and I waited there for two hours. Thank you for coming by the way." Caroline said sarcastically.

"Caroline I'm sorry. I went with Elena to meet Stefan." Bonnie said guiltily.

"It's fine. I'm used to it." Caroline stated.

She looked up when she heard footsteps getting closer to her, only to meet the most gorgeous woman she had ever seen walking towards her with a charming smile on her red lips.

"Hello". She greeted Caroline, " I saw a beautiful girl is sitting here alone all by herself and I do wonder if this pretty lady would like some company". Caroline looked around to make sure that if this woman was talking to her. When she saw no one behind her,

"A- Are y-you t-talking to m-me?". She asked nervously.

"Of cause, pretty lady. So, tell me can I sit here?"

"Why is she sitting with you Caroline? Why didn't you tell us?". Elena questioned.

"I don't see why I should tell you that Elena. It's not like you tell everything to me." Caroline answered back.

"We are friends Caroline." Elena pouted.

"Friends. Yeah! Of cause." Caroline spat.

"Hey! Don't talk to her like that?" Damon tried to run toward Caroline but Klaus stopped him.

"If you like to live a few more years mate, I suggest you not to harm her"

"Why? What are you going to do?" Damon snapped.

"Of cause, my love is correct, you are an idiot, mate. I'm not going to do anything but my lovely wife will. Caroline is off limits."

"So, she considers me as her friend?". Caroline asked timidly.

"Yes, she does." Klaus answered making Caroline smile. 

"Of cause." Caroline beamed. Something about this woman made Caroline feeling safe and happy. Caroline just stared at the woman unable to say anything else. 

"Why is there something on my face?". The lady asked smiling. Caroline blushed.

"No no. It's just you are very beautiful. And your eyes are Silver". Caroline burst out making the woman laughed.

"Oh please! Have you seen yourself. You are way too much pretty than me with that blond hair of yours. I have always wanted a blond hair". She pouted at the end. "And for my eyes, it's the specialty of my family. We have silver eyes."

"My name is Lyra and you are?"

"I'm Caroline."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful lady." Lyra said making Caroline blush. "You are not used getting compliments are you?". Lyra asked.

"Yeah." Caroline smiled sadly. Caroline doesn't know what made her trust this woman so easily. She just ended up telling her everything about Elena and Bonnie how they keep secrets from her, how they make her feel lonely, how she has no friends, how she is always the second choice. When she was finished Lyra gave a chocolate bar and smile st her encouragingly.

"Here, have a chocolate. When you eat chocolates all your problems turn into pixie dust and flow away". Caroline accepted it. She was grateful of Lyra for listening  to her and not giving her any pity looks.

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