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The scene showed nighttime. Stefan  was carrying Ray's dead body over his shoulders . He walked to the campsite and saw every wolf are dead. He saw Klaus was sitting on a log with a faraway look in his eyes.

"What happened?". Matt asked from Stefan.

"Klaus killed them"


Stefan  pointed the screen.

Stefan dropped Ray's body.  Klaus started to speak slowly. "They went rabid. Some of them, I killed. The others just bled out. In the end they all are dead. " He threw the beer bottle in his hand and shouted, "I did everything I was told. I should be able to turn them. I broke the curse, I killed the werewolf, I killed the vampire, I killed the doppelganger." Stefan tensed when Klaus mentioned Elena. But Klaus took no notice that.

Off screen Klaus seeing this glared at him. "We used to be friends Stefan. I truly don't know what has happened to you?"

"Stefan can never be a friend of yours Klaus." Elena spat.

Stefan looked up feeling someone's gaze one him and saw Lyra was looking at him intensely. She smiled at him showing her perfect white teeth. Stefan, not wanting to be rude gave her a small smile. Lyra seeing this beamed and gave him a knowing look. Stefan feeling uncomfortable looked away, not wanting be end of the hybrid's bite for staring at his wife. He couldn't shake the feeling that Lyra knows something he doesn't.

Klaus looked at Stefan. "You look like hell"

"Last time I checked I'm dying, you didn't want to heal me." Klaus turned his back on Stefan. "I failed you."

Klaus said nothing. He bit his hand and gave Stefan his blood. Once Stefan's bite got healed, "Go. Find a place for us to stay". Stefan nodded and left.

Klaus looked around again. "It should have worked." He said in a depressed  voice. He wanted Lyra. He wanted her warmth. He wanted to sleep in her arms listening to her soft, steady heartbeat. The moment these thoughts came to his mind, a cool breeze surrounded him. An encouraging laughter kissed his ears, letting him know that his wife is indeed watching from wherever she is. Klaus felt his heart flattering. His wife never let him fail. He knew she is going to find a way to make hybrids or she has already found, that's how she is. He knows as long as she is with him he is going to be fine. Which means forever. Because he knows his wife is never going to leave him.

"I know , you are not very fond of me but I want to say thank you. Thank you for staying with my brother in his difficult times. Thank you for showing him a different light. I owe you forever for what you did." Elijah bowed his head.

"Seems like you truly care for him". Lyra remarked. "Yet you tried to kill him. Why?"

Elijah looked down. "He said.."

"I know what he said" Lyra cut him off. "And I gave him an earful believe me. But why did you believe it? You know about him don't you? You know what kind of person he is. Why do you and Rebekah always assume the worst of him? Yes. He hasn't been the best brother. We all have our good and bad sides. Is it because of the daggers? Didn't you at least try to find why he did that? He was protecting you fools. I know it's not a good way. But it's Klaus's way. He was protecting you by his own twisting way. After we married I wanted to meet you. So, I asked him to undagger you. Do you know what he said? He said that he is weak, that he cannot protect his family without breaking his curse. That is the only time he has ever said 'no' for something I asked him to do. Why can't you believe him and love him like he does for you? Why you .." Lyra couldn't finish the sentence since she was sobbing.

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