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Klaus walked back to the bar and saw the place has cleared out which made him tense.

"You are late" A female voice sang from behind. Klaus whirled around to find his wife sitting on a table with her legs on a chair.  Lyra grinned at him. 

"Love?" Klaus questioned uncertainly as if to make sure his mind is not playing any tricks on him. Picking his dilemma Lyra walked to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Klaus buried his face in her hair inhaling her floral scent.

When they pull back  Lyra smiled at him.

"How are you darling?" She asked caressing his cheek.  

"It went wrong. I did want she asked me to do. But it didn't work." Klaus looked down. 

" I know. That's why I'm here. To help you. Now will you stop sulking and smile a little." She demanded playfully. "I killed Gloria by the way" She informed him.

"I figured. Why did you kill her though?" 

"She betrayed you". Klaus nodded accepting   her answer. 

"You have to go to Mystic falls Nik. It seems the doppelganger isn't dead. "


"Yes. Stefan has been lying to you all the time."

"I'm not surprised. I always ended being betrayed by the people I trust. That's nothing new. Except for you my love. You are the only person in this whole world who will never betray me."

"Brother" Started Elijah.

"Don't Elijah.  I stand by what I said.  The only person I have is my Lyra. No one else. Some have betrayed me the worst way its possible." Klaus said while looking at Rebekah. 

Rebekah looked down. Could it possible that her brother knows about what she did in 1919. But why hasn't he done anything about it. Why he didn't ask anything about it. Rebekah knew her brother is not the same person that he was before. He seems to distant from her. Keeping his thoughts for himself. Is this the real reason? She thought when she get a chance she would ask from Lyra

Lyra smiled. " Go babe. You have a certain Ripper to interrogate. " Klaus looked at her.

"You are coming with me right ?" He asked from Lyra.  

"Sorry darling.  I can't ride with you". Klaus's face fell. "But when you arrive to Mystic Falls I'll be there." Klaus's face quickly brightened.  

"Good. I don't want to stay away from you any longer" 

"Now go" Lyra pushed him out from the bar. He pointed his finger at her. "You are the only person who can order me and get away with it." He commented. 


Klaus went back to Stefan and Rebekah. "Gloria is gone. We need to go". He said making them jump.  "Don't be such a mood killer Nik. They were having a moment." Now invisible Lyra said while smirking at him. 

"Wait what ? What were you doing with her Stefan?" Elena asked. 

"Nothing" Stefan said completely fed up with Elena. Many looked at him surprised. 'What has happened to him?'

"What's going on" He asked from them.

"Something is wrong. He was asking about Mikael. He is not with us Nik. I can feel it" 

Stefan looked at Klaus. "She is wrong Klaus.." Klaus didn't let him finish. He sped to Stefan and snapped his neck.  Lyra kicked Stefan. "It's pity that you are in the wrong side. " She crouched next to him and tapped his cheek. "You  are handsome though." Klaus who heard this growled. The jealousy within him woke hearing his wife praised other man's looks. 

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