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The screen is showing the bar that the girls told Klaus about.

"Ray? Ray Sutton?"  Klaus questioned from a man who was sitting in the bar. Ray looked towards Klaus and asked "Who wants to know?". Klaus smirked and said " We have been looking everywhere for you. We started from Florida, Pensacola. Met a young chap there who you worked with before you moved to Memphis. Now he directed me to two lovely young women. And they led me here." Ray started to look uneasy and said, " I think I would be going"

Klaus grabbed his arm and said" Not so fast mate. You only got here. Your type is hard to come by." Ray tried to go from the other way but Stefan blocked him. "Yeah, I wouldn't do that"        


"You're swiftly swift Ray." Klaus said in a deep voice. "My friend here is a vampire. He has compelled everyone in the bar. So,  don't look at them for any help" Klaus continued. "I, however, I'm something else. A different kind of monster"

Klaus felt Lyra's gaze pierce into him. He looked at her. Lyra kept staring at him until he nodded. She stroke his face with her soft fingers making him lean into her hand. 'If you want to be a monster so badly then let's be together' her eyes told him. They don't have to voice their thoughts often. All they have to do is look each other's eyes. They always know what their other part is thinking.

"I have got some vampire, I have got some wolf"

"You what?"

"A hybrid Ray. I'm both." Klaus spoke "You see I want to create more of me. Now you being the first werewolf I've come across in many a moon, pun intended Ray. Tell me where I can find them Ray?"

"You can't compel me, it won't work". Klaus looked at Stefan. He nodded and called out for the bartender, "I need a scotch on the rocks please." He pulled out a bag and said" Tell you what Ray, we are gonna play a little drinking game. Something I like to call truth or wolfbane"

The hybrid looked at Ray." Oh I'm gonna have lots of fun Ray"


A figure was leaning against the railing of the balcony, in their hands there was a glass of champagne.

"I thought you would stay for some more time with that husband of yours, cousin"  A male said as he came into the view. The figure turned to face him.

"He is busy Draco. So, I let him be" Lyra answered.

The man whom now has identified as Draco, has pale blonde hair, sharp nose and high cheekbones. He stood tall and proud. He also has grey eyes. But they are duller than Lyra's. Just by taking one look everyone could tell they are close relatives.

"Oh my. Is he your cousin Ly?" Rebekah questioned.

"Yes, Bex. But it's no use. He is happily married."

Both Caroline and Rebekah pouted.

"Such a shame". Caroline muttered.

"Lyra smiled. "Don't worry little rabbit. You will find your one true love soon enough"

"That's not nice. What kind of man has anything which is worth than his wife? I told you he is not good enough for you my dear. Why don't you just divorce him. You can come and live with us here. You know it". Lyra rolled her eyes.

"Honestly what's your problem with him?"

Draco looked at her like she has grown two heads. "My problem? My problem is that- that  fool got married to you when he is not good enough for you. And you! You always take his side. Stupid git. Pillock. "

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