14- No nightmares only beautiful dreams

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Savannah's pov

A heaviness on my abdomen made me want to pee urgently. I tried to get up but something was stopping me. I rubbed my eyes open and saw a hand holding me in place. It was Lucy's, he looked like an innocent kid sleeping with his favourite stuff toy. I didn't want to wake him up but had to anyways. "Lucifer please, I need to use the restroom" I spoke gently but tried pushing him. "Okay baby come soon" he replied in his groggy voice without moving his hand aside.

That made me smile at his cuteness. "You need to remove your hand to let me go" I said with a giggle. That's when he groaned and moved aside. I hurried to the bathroom and finished my business. It's been a while since I had a night without nightmares and it felt good.

I decided to bath later and cook some breakfast as Lucifer would be going to work from today onwards. I'm still unknown to what actually he works for. I decided on some coffee and french toast with a spicy and tangy touch.

The dining table was set when I heard him come down. He was all ready in a beige coloured suit with a coffee brown shirt and black tie. He always looked so handsome like those suits were invented for him only. I stopped staring when he kissed my cheek. "Good morning wifey, click a picture it will last longer." I was at loss of words on being caught so turned around. He chuckled and turned me again to himself and said, "you can stare me all day long Anna, I'm all yours."

On hearing that I finally felt that I had atleast one person to call mine and rely on for anything. I gathered courage and hugged his waist. I never initiated the hug but the feeling was strong today. He stilled at my sudden action but soon relaxed and hugged me back.

His hug didn't just gave the warmth but also made me feel secure, loved  and blessed. He pulled away and whispered "what happened Anna, are you okay?" I instantly replied "yes yes I'm fine. Let's have breakfast or else you will get late."

He dropped the topic knowing it was sensitive. I passed his plate and he started devouring. "Mhhhmmmm Anna what is this, how can you cook something different yet so delicious" I am glad he liked it. "You liked it? Do you want me to pack some for you?" he grinned like a happy kid and asked, "are there more of these? You can pack all" I laughed at his love towards food and he continued eating each bite with utter attention.

I got up and packed the rest for him. He came and hugged me from behind giving a peck on my neck. "Thank you for being with me yesterday" I wanted to thank him earlier but it slipped my mind. "You are my wife and my first priority I will always keep you before everything else" he pressed a final kiss on my forehead and walked away yelling, "don't go anywhere alone, please takecare of yourself and there is surprise waiting for you in our bedroom check once I leave."

I hurried to ask him what is it but the door closed behind him. I cleaned the dining table and kitchen and left to get ready. I never had so many clothes so now it becomes hard to select. When my eyes caught a beige coloured simple dress I went for it. Once I was ready I pulled the wrapped gift on the nightstand. It was a mobile phone which had our wedding day photo as wallpaper. I smiled and searched contacts to thank him. But stopped when read his name saved as "Hubby❤️😍" which made me chuckle.

"Hello sweetheart" came his soft voice and I replied, "thank you for this gift, I loved it but other than calling I know nothing about the phone." I thought he would think I'm a silly but he replied, "that's not a problem I will show you all the features when I come home. Did you leave for your college or are you still home?" Home, yes our home I replied, "no I would be leaving now, will see you in the evening bye" there was a long pause so I thought he ended the call but then he replied in a soft tone. "I had to leave because of this important meeting or else I would have dropped you but I arranged my best friend Tyler to drop you safely as Peter is with me" I was touched by his concern towards me. Tyler was an easy going gentleman.

"That wasn't required, I would have called Rihanna but thank you so much for this" while on call I descended the stairs and shut the door behind me. "This was necessary and I'm still sorry for not dropping you myself. I would call once I'm free, takecare baby bye" I ended the call and saw Tyler already waiting with a big smile. "Hello Savannah so nice to meet you again" I matched his smile and replied, "hey Tyler nice to meet you too" he opened the passenger seat and I mumbled a thank you.

My college is just a five minute ride from home now by car that is. We had a light conversation about likes dislikes while riding and he shared what kind of girl he wants to be with. His description matched to Rihanna's qualities. Easy outgoing personality, loved and respected by everyone, bold and beautiful, emotional and soft at heart but able to fight for herself and take a stand. At that exact moment I thought of introducing him to Rihanna someday.

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