32- Finally arrested

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Savannah's pov

As soon as the door opened I saw Mrs Adams coming out holding a man and moving towards the chemist to buy medicines. She made him sit on the nearby chair and showed the prescription. She didn't look like she used to young and beautiful, she looked old and wrinkled. That's when I focused on the man and realised he is Mr Adams, the reason behind my nightmares, himself looked like a nightmare today. He maybe had some skin related disease which made him look ugly and unrecognisable.

I soon shifted my focus back to Mrs Adams. She was done and ready to leave, I texted Lucy and he responded with a thumbs up. I followed them out of the hospital but they had no idea about that. I saw aunty at the far end of the road. They didn't had a car or a cab waiting, they were still walking so I followed them and Lucy gestured to be safe. I gave him a reassuring smile and prayed silently that aunty does her part of act to save us more time until police arrives.

As they were about to turn the corner where aunty was waiting for the signal, I blinked twice and she started acting. I was shocked to see her acting skills it was too real to be honest. She held her heart and acted like she was in too much pain. Mrs Adams tried helping aunty while her husband waited at the side. She kept acting for few more seconds and the police arrived. They arrest the couple when I and Lucifer came out of the hiding. Their eyes widen but before they could react they were dragged to the car.

I collapsed to the ground and Lucifer held me in his arms. I cried for what felt like hours but was just few minutes. I felt someone's hair on my neck and I turned that way, Reeh was holding me and her face was marred with concern. We stood up and went back to aunty's place. I slept and woke up a few hours later with a nightmare. Lucy comforted me while I took deep breaths. "What happened Anna? Do you want to share it?" I nodded my head in yes. I want to speak about it, its been a long time holding everything in.

I look his way and hugged him tightly before speaking, "he pushed me back and tr-tried to rape me. The first time he- he raped me was when I turned 14. As usual I cooked dinner for the three of them and went to my room. An hour lat- later there were knocks on my door. I opened it and thought maybe for the first time they would invite me for dinner. He came inside and closed the door. I thought nothing about it but then he started touch- touching me everywhere." I took a breath before continuing.

"He pushed me on the mattress I was given as a bed. My elbow got hit on the wall and my eyes welled up but till the time I could register what he was doing, he was already hovering over me. I tried running, thrashing in his grip but to no avail. I cried and yelled on top of my lungs to let his wife know about his actions but no one heard me." He rubbed my back to console me and I accepted the warmth. I sniffed to stop my running nose and continued, "that night he took my innocence, I lost my confidence and then he warned I should never speak about this to anyone ever."

I looked in his eyes and searched for the love he had for me. I was scared after this maybe it won't be there but I was so wrong. His eyes shined with pride and love, my insecurities evaporated in the air. "You are the first one and only one I shared my nightmare and the reason behind it" he kissed my temple and assured me. Then spoke, "you can always share all your nightmares with me and I will kiss them away. Now you have me and nothing bad will ever touch you I promise."

Before I could say thank you for his support, someone knocked on our door. The door opened and Reeh poked her head in. She gave a small sad smile, "we should leave for the airport in 10 minutes to reach on time for our flight. Will meet you both downstairs hurry up please." She retreated back and closed the door. Lucy rolled the packed bags towards the door while I got freshen up. We both head downstairs and met aunty Melanie. She was teary eyed but whispered, "be strong and come soon I enjoyed my days with you idiots" on that we all chuckled and said our goodbyes.

Our stay here was beautiful and it ended with something useful. I don't want to see it in any other light. We finally got the culprits and they are arrested. Our flight soon landed and we got picked up by Alex. After reaching home we made a beeline to our bedroom for some sleep before doing anything else. A few hours of sleep later we decided to have some food, but was in no mood to cook so ordered pizza. We had a light chat about different types of pizzas while eating when Lucy got a call. "Hello, yes I'm speaking okay, okay yes we will be there soon officer thank you" and ended the call.

He stood up and said, "the officer wants to see us and ask you some questions. The culprits have something to say" that made me tense. He held my hands, "everything will be fine, you will get your answers. Let's get going Anna, I'm right by your side" his words were enough to push me off my chair and get ready. We reached in no time and saw my parents at the entrance. We hurried after them and all of us got seated in front of the officer. I hope this end soon, its hard to go through this phase.

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