18- Parents feels so foreign

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Savannah's pov

Today I craved sweet so made waffles and pancakes for breakfast. I was unable to decide on the flavour so made as many types I knew honey, chocolate and cream, strawberries, blueberries and bananas.

Anxiety always made me cook more than required but I would pack some for Reeh she would happily gobble as much as given.Lucy descended the stairs speaking to someone on call. I waited for him to join me at the dining table. He ended the call and took a seat beside me.

"They will arrive at 6 at our house is that fine with you?" He asked me and I replied with a yes while munching on our food. After finishing I cleaned dishes and went upstairs to bring my bag and phone. Lucy will drop me to college himself today as he knows I need him.

I reached the car and he opened the door for me. I settled in my seat and he started driving after settling in his seat. We remained silent for the 5 minute small drive and he rubbed my knuckles to provide as much comfort as he can.

I hugged him and gave him a peck on his cheek while he pecked my forehead. "I would be just a call away don't worry, but try and forget about the meeting for sometime. Enjoy your time with Rihanna, I would come and pick you up" his soothing words relaxed me for the mean time.

I hurried to my class as I would get late otherwise. The class started and we were given important notes for the upcoming exams. That helped me distract a bit. Today Rihanna didn't show up I would call her later and share the notes.

Lucy picked me up and I was full of nerves the whole ride back home. I rushed to the bathroom to have a long hot shower. Once out I left my hair open and wore a top with jeans. It was still 5 pm and I still had an hour which I would use and make a drink and something to eat.

Lucy was watching some show on the telivision in our living room. I squeezed his shoulder while walking towards the kitchen. A few minutes passed and he entered the kitchen. "Hey baby, you look so beautiful" I blushed at his comment and replied "thank you Lucy."

I prepared lemonade and french fries just so Lucy can have something till its dinner time. It was already 5:45 and Lucy took me out in the living room."Baby if you feel comfortable or overwhelming, I'm right by your side. Just squeeze my hand and I'll take you to our bedroom. We will understand and give you time" his smooth words flipped something in my stomach.

As if on cue the doorbell rang, "I'll open the door" said Lucy and welcomed with a warm smile. It was mom and dad accompanying a couple of same age. I got up and hugged mom first, "you look so pretty princess" she complimented.

I gave a small laugh and moved forward to hug dad. He squeezed me and pulled away with a frown, "you didn't visit me, I don't approve this young lady." I held my ears and murmured, "I'm so sorry dad I would visit you more and more once my exams are over" he grinned and settled on the couch.

That's when I noticed the couple closely. The lady was almost my height with long hazelnut hair, just like me and warm eyes filled with tears. While the man had black-grey hair with electric bluish green eyes, exact replica of my eyes.

The lady came forward and whispered, "I'm Caroline, I can't believe you agreed to meet us dear" she started sobbing and the man held her close soothing her. "Can we please hug you once and then settle down" asked the man who is my real father. I was hesitant but gave in anyways.

They hugged me and Caroline caressed my back. I felt like I'm finally home with my people. I sighed in relief and we took our seats, Lucifer beside me and our parents on the opposite couch. Parents seems so foreign to my own ears but I'm glad they are here.

Caroline started her part of the story, "me, your father, Rosanna and William were highschool best friend. We separated made our careers and united back at our wedding.Within six months Rosanna and William got married and soon had twins. Life was good for all of us and after two years we had you. We both were ecstatic and so was Rosa's kids" mom gave a smile my way and squeezed Caroline's hand as she continued. "When you turned 4 we started getting empty threats wherever we went. Another 3 months later you went missing for few minutes and we got scared" tears started pouring down her eyes.

James continued, "we decided we should inform the police to keep you safe. We were good for the next 5 months but then we were attacked by some goons who threatened us to give you away. We immediately informed the police and they tried tracing them but to no avail. We got more protective over you and watched our back every now and then. Two months prior your 5th birthday Caroline and I decided to keep you somewhere safe and away from us" his head went down as if he was shameful of what he did.

Caroline understood his silence and continued, "your father's most trusted employee saved him while the goons tried attacking again. Your father trusted him with you so decided to give you to them for the mean time. They were Mr and Mrs Adams who promised to protect you" tears leaked from my eyes when I realised how they broke James and Caroline's trust.

Lucifer rubbed circles on my palm and that made me feel a bit better. "I signed a contract with him where it was clearly stated that money would be provided every month for the betterment of my child and she will remain our daughter so we can take her back whenever it is safe for her" James continued with a shaky voice.

I passed over lemonade which I kept on the table before they arrived and he took big gulps before placing the glass back down. "We had to completely avoid being in contact so the enemies wouldn't find out your location. When it was your 21st birthday, Lucifer here called us to inform that he was getting married to you and you will be safe with him. We got ready for the upcoming wedding and started preparing but as soon as we started driving here, we met an accident. We knew it wasn't an accident, it was a warning that they are still following. We informed about this to William and they helped us with more security team and officers to reach here safely" he said with a sigh.

They have been through so much because the enemies wanted me. But I don't understand who the enemies are and why they want me. Their eyes held pain and warmth for me, their child. They are finally here, my real parents and I don't want to make things hard. I would treasure and cherish having parents who love me. I asked the question that was nagging me for years. "I had a question to ask if you don't mind" I said with a serious face just to scare them a little. "Yes dear you may ask questions, we will answer all of them" assured Caroline. "Do I have siblings? I always wanted a younger brother or sister" they both grinned at the same time and nodded their heads.

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