Forty Five

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Over the next eight months Mary lost all the fat and muscle she'd so proudly worn at Alexandria, was constantly smothered in dirt and blood, and had a mess of matted hair on her head.
She'd never been happier.
She saw people twice a month. Jesus came to see her once a month, sometimes with Alden, and she'd visit Alexandria for a few hours once a month.
She'd never felt less lonely.
She woke up with the sunrise and slept when it set. And in the days she set rabbit traps and hunted and scavenged for seasonal berries, fruits, wild vegetables, and roots. The rest of the time she swam and she killed Walkers and rode Julius and spent time with Daryl.
She'd never been happier.
The longest amount of time she'd spent at Alexandria was when Rosita had her baby. She delivered her niece and she finally, after being the beloved niece of so many, became an auntie herself. She delivered her niece, Coco, whilst Siddiq sobbed tears of joy and held Rosita's hand.
She stayed overnight, and it was the first - and only - time she had. She had a warm shower, and slept in the same bed as her siblings, and ate oatmeal with Aaron and Gracie the next morning. She taught Daisy about the new plants she could identify, and gave so many children the sweaters she'd knitted for them whilst she'd been away.
But she didn't regret leaving for a second.
It killed Mary to leave them, leave her family, for so long. But she was so so happy.
That night, she came home and sobbed to Daryl, under their small tent, and as he held her, he began to cry too.
"Dad would be so happy." Mary whimpered, and Daryl nodded, wiping his tears away gruffly.
"He wouldn't b'lieve that some kids gonna be calling you Auntie Moo."
"He wouldn't believe any of this was happening. He's be so happy. So so so happy. And so angry that he's missing it. He'll be so happy to meet her."
"Mary," Daryl sighed, "I know... I know neither of us will believe he's gone u'till we have a body. But that's different to thinkin' he's just gonna come back."
"He might. He always promised me he'd find his way back to me. He said always. And I know you think he's coming back too. That's why you've stayed here this whole time."
"I'm here for you now." Daryl replied simply, and Mary sank into his chest, letting their tears recommence.

Mary couldn't help but smile as they rode out to Oceanside a few days later, the warm wind slapping her and Daryl's faces. They promised to help at the Oceanside training day weeks ago, and they always kept their promises, but despite Mary's smile, she had a small pit of anxiety in her stomach, worried she'd have to see Jennie.
"Just down this road!" Mary beamed, seeing where many horses and carts had already passed.
"Mary!" Judith screamed, coming out of nowhere, smiling broadly.
"Hey!" Mary laughed, making Julius stop instantly. She jumped down and grabbed Judith to her chest, RJ running over and almost knocking them over like bowling balls. Daryl chuckled at the trio, and rode towards the others, giving the siblings a moment of privacy.
"I missed you!" RJ half grinned, whilst simultaneously punching Mary in the stomach.
"Hey! What are ya playin' at!?" Mary reprimanded, grabbing his tiny fists.
"I'm sick of you leaving!" RJ whined, kicking Mary sharply in the shins. Snapping, Mary let go of his hands, only holding into them with one, and have him a sharp rap on his wrists. RJ's face crumpled up in anger, then he stormed off, stamping his feet.
"To be fair, he did what I wanted." Judith mumbled, almost embarrassed to be admitting it.
"To be fair," Mary sighed, rolling her eyes, "I think for the first time in my life I can put me first."
Judith shrugged nonchalantly, and the pair walked down towards the settlement, Mary leading Julius by her side.
"Hey baby." Michonne smiled warmly, walking over and hugging her daughter into her chest.
"Hey momma." Mary grinned back, letting the hug linger, feeling the soft warmth of her mothers body. "You gotta get a handle on that crazy child of yours."
"Since when did you say child like that?" Michonne mocked, the word suddenly incredibly Southern and Daryl-like.
"Since when did your boy punch and kick?"
"You? Or someone else?" Michonne teased further, making Mary roll her eyes.
"You revised those formations I told you we're teaching today?"
"Do you even need to ask her that," Aaron joked, walking over and pulling Mary into a hug, "she's had that formation down since she was eleven."
"Hi Uncle A."
"You ready to kick some ass?"
"Born ready."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2023 ⏰

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