I Am Unicorn

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(Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, Kurt, Blaine, or Unicorns!)

Kurt had a busy week ahead of him. He needed to get the part of Tony and start campaigning for student council president.

If he didn't get both those things, he wouldn't get into NYADA. It was as simple as that.

He was prepared to spend the whole week preparing, but Mr. Schue had to throw in booty camp.

It was the last thing he wanted to do, but he had to go to it.

It also was nice that Blaine offered to go to be with him. It wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be.

He stretched with Blaine before they started, and Mike showed them what they were to be doing. Once moving, Kurt decided to create a conversation with Blaine.

"I'm going to put my light under a bushel if only to shine brighter for the auditions tomorrow," he announced as they moved back and forth.

"I'm still trying to decide between 'Maria' and 'Something's Coming,'" Blaine said after looking to Kurt, and it shocked Kurt to say the least. He wanted Tony, and he had no idea that Blaine was interested in the part too.

"Those are Tony songs," he observed, turning to catch Blaine's eye. "Are you auditioning for Tony too?"

"Would that be weird?" Blaine asked.

"No!" Kurt hurried to say. He looked forward. "No, not at all. I mean you'd be a great Tony. You'd be the perfect Tony, actually, in some respects." That got him thinking. Blaine's voice and look, it was perfect for Tony, and it scared him then. He wasn't sure that he would get it if Blaine auditioned against him.

"Well, except...I'm a junior," Blaine pointed out. "Tony's the lead, which means a senior should probably play that part."

"Yeah, that is kinda how it works, huh?" That sort of calmed him down a bit because that is exactly how everything else worked. They would give it to him because it was his last year, right? He moved his shoulders and brought his hands up as they moved.

"I mean, I'd be fine with Bernardo or Officer Krupke as long as it was opposite your Tony," Blaine insisted, and Kurt couldn't help but coo because he had the best boyfriend in the entire world.

"Kurt!" Mr. Schue exclaimed. "Jazz hands!"

"Fine!" He put his hands down as he smiled to Blaine.

He wasn't that nervous anymore because Blaine would let him have Tony if he got it

"I'm so nervous, Blaine," Kurt admitted as the two were walking to the auditorium a few days later.

He had been confident, but now that it was time for his audition, his nerves came back. "What if I mess up the lyrics or screw up my chorography?"

"You will do absolutely perfect," Blaine said, trying to calm the boy down.

He reached out to take Kurt's hand.

"Stop worrying so much, Kurt, just go out on that stage and be yourself.

You know this number back and forth. You will get the part for sure."

Kurt nodded and took a deep breath. He was right. "Okay, I can do this. You will be watching the whole time right?" He stopped before they entered the room.

"Every minute," he reassured, releasing Kurt's hand. "Now go kick some butt, Mr. Hummel. I'm really looking forward to this special talent you haven't told me about."

"Just watch the end and you will see," Kurt teased, winking and kissing Blaine's cheek.

He quickly dashed down the isle to the stage. He suddenly had the confidence.

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