Spanish Teacher

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Disclaimer: Don't own Glee or Spanish things.

Kurt was flustered. Sure he had crushes before like Finn, Sam, Blaine, but never on a grown man. It didn't help that he was very gorgeous and Spanish.

He also knew how to sing and move his body. Watching David Martinez sing "Sexy and I Know It" made him see that he did like older men sometimes. What was he thinking? He had Blaine and didn't need to have a silly crush.

He watched the teacher talk to Mr. Schue before sighing and standing. He needed to get to Blaine's. He stopped when David turned around.

Kurt froze in his spot. Eyes widening as he took in the good-looking man.

"Hola," he greeted, and Kurt blushed.

"Hi," he said. "Um, I don't really speak much Spanish."

"No problem!"

"You were amazing in the number," he blurted out. "I was just so amazed!"

"Gracias, gracias," he smiled. "You guys were really fun to be with. I don't get to see a lot of teens during my night classes, so this was a breath of fresh air."

"I hope you will be around more because we usually don't have this much fun."

"I really hope so too."

"Mr. Martinez," Sugar said, walking up to the two, Quinn beside her. "We have some Spanish questions for you if you don't mind."

"Por supuesto que no las niñas," he said, his smiling growing bigger. He turned to Kurt before walking away with them. "Talk to you later."

Kurt watched them walk out of the room before letting out the breath he was holding. Okay, he was in love.

His phone chimed, and it made him jump. He fished it out of his pocket and checked the screen. Reality came flooding back to him.

"Hello?" he answered, still jittery from the performance. Just the performance and nothing else, he promised "H-Hey."

"Hey, is everything all right?" he asked, sounding slightly concerned. "You sound a bit jumpy. Did someone hurt you?"

"No," Kurt said softly. "I think it was the opposite actually. I'll tell you when I come over, okay? I'm on my way."

"Okay...I'll see you in a little bit."

"See you."

Kurt arrived in twenty minutes, and Blaine sat up in his bed when he came in the door. "Hey!" Kurt looked at him, and he looked different. "You look flustered. What happened?"

Kurt smiled, ducking his head. "I just-I've been...It's been a very different day. I-uh-can I tell you something?" He moved to sit down on the edge of Blaine's bed, taking Blaine's hand in his own.

"Of course. You can always talk to me about anything. You know that."

Kurt shook his head as if he couldn't believe what was about to come out, a blush spreading across his cheeks. "I-there was this guy. He...he-dammit. I'm never like this."

That was definitely not what he wanted to hear. Blaine knew that he should just be at school, especially now that there was apparently some guy that has Kurt speechless. "Just take a deep breath and tell me."

Kurt listened, taking a deep breath before squeezing Blaine's hand.

"There's this guy, well man. Here I was sitting in the choir room waiting for Mr. Schue to come in and tell us what awful assignment we have this week, when he told us that we were singing songs of the Latin descent, or something like that.

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