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The next two weeks were spent preparing for Kurt's audition that was slowly approaching.

After they had sorted through their issues and got back into the swing of things, the mention of New York didn't do what it did to Blaine that it did before. Kurt also didn't mention it during every conversation, and Blaine appreciated it.

Having Kurt's audition close meant that Kurt was very stressed and very nervous.

It wasn't what Blaine loved to see, but he just put on a smile and helped him through it. That's all he could really do.

Right now, Kurt was in the middle of deciding what song to pick, and after a very over the top performance of 'Music of the Night', but it was so over the top that it was so very much Kurt.

After, Kurt did the thing he did best: second-guess himself.

"It's too safe. It's too predictable and boring. I'm boring."

"I think you are overthinking it," Blaine tried to say, but Tina interrupted before he could say anything further.

"Excuse me, my foot fell asleep, can't feel it at all. Can I walk it off?"

"Yeah, sure, sure," Kurt agreed, waving her off. "Just don't go too far, and thanks. Okay, I'm starting from scratch."

He started pacing, thinking and Blaine knew that it wasn't good when he did that.

"I need something fresh, something edgy. Something completely unpredictable." He paused.

"Or maybe I just need more candles?"

"Oh god no," Blaine muttered under his breath, looking at the overly candlelit stage. "No more candles."

He waited for Kurt to say something, but he looked stumped.

"Hey look, you are over thinking this."

Kurt turned and sat down on the edge of the stand in defeat. "I want to do good in my audition.

I feel like this won't get me in. I'm playing it too safe."

"What do you think you should do?" Blaine asked.

He managed to hop over the barricade separating him, gracefully might he add, to get closer to the boy.

"If you think you need to do something bigger, do something bigger. You don't want to not get in because you were too scared to take a chance."

"You're right. A new song is in order. What is a song that you wouldn't expect me to do?

What song would make me stand out? What song is more me?"

Blaine thought. There were plenty of songs that he wanted to hear Kurt sing, but they weren't audition worthy. It had to be big. It had to be something that would showcase his talent.

Something clicked and he grinned. "Have you ever heard of the Broadway show 'The Boy From Oz'?"

"You are talking to the Broadway master, Blaine," he quipped, but he paused. It was almost comical how wide his eyes got.

Blaine maneuvered through the equipment until he was at the edge of the stage, Kurt in stunned silence.

"Do you think I could pull that off?" he finally asked. "I mean I know that you are meaning 'Not the Boy Next Door', and it's a hard song. It's risky."

"I don't know anybody else who could pull it off better than you."

He reached out and took a hold of Kurt's hands and gave them a squeeze.

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