You're A Romanov

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After seeing Anastasia again, I could not stop thinking about her. How much she had changed and seeing her hard at work like a commoner. She was still Anastasia Nikolaevna, but completely different at the same time. I had not told anyone that she was back in Russia, nor working at a bar. One thing was for sure in my life. I wanted her back in the family. Living with us and speaking to us. Anastasia was my sister and I loved her.

I walked into the bar where she worked. There were a few men sitting at the bar and chatting with her. She poured their drinks with a sweet smile. Her red-hair fell carefully below her shin and her smile was wide with red lipstick. I carefully approached the bar, already knowing Anastasia would most likely yell at me in front of everyone.

"Can I get a whiskey, please?" I sat down. Her smile faded when she saw. Anastasia's face turned to pure disgust.

"I am not serving you. You can get lost."

"Anastasia, let's just speak, please."

Anastasia scoffed at me. "I have nothing to say to you. Go home and take care of Paul."

"We miss you. I am so sorry for everything I did to you. But the family still loves you and asks for your forgiveness."

"You don't deserve my god damn forgiveness, you greedy bastard. You and that family can rot in hell for what you did to Josiah." Anastasia gritted her teeth and slammed her fist on the table. We stared at each for a moment until an old man walked by with his arms crossed.

"Anastasia, is this man bothering you?" The old man cleared his throat. She stayed silent for a moment and snarled at me.

"No...excuse us for at least ten-minutes, sir." Anastasia sighed. She took off her apron and pulled me outside to the back. I was surprised to see that she had been wearing sporting-pants. She pulled out a cigarette from the pocket of her pants along with a lighter. Anastasia lit a cigarette and deeply inhaled. She turned head at me and scoffed.

"Were you planning on saying something or do you plan on staring at me like a god damn idiot?" Anastasia raised her eyebrows. I cleared my throat and straightened my stance. I wanted to sound and look as sincere as possible.

"Anastasia, I am so sorry for what happened. Josiah Henry did not deserve what happened to him. He was a good man with good morals. But he was killed because of his religion, and that is unforgivable. We are all children of God. The whole family so apologetic and heartbroken over his death and your leaving-"

"That sounds like a load of bull. I may be young, but I am not a moron." Anastasia rolled her eyes and inhaled her cigarette again.

"We are! You have no idea how sorry your Papa and Mama are. But especially your Papa. He has asked God for his forgiveness and for you to return. Your sisters miss you terribly as well and cannot forgive themselves for what they had done. Anastasia, I cannot forgive myself. You are my sister and I betrayed you. For that, I will be eternally sorry. I will be sorry even if you choose to forgive me. Please...come to the Alexander Palace. Let us have a conversation and come back home." I gulped. She looked at me in the eyes for a moment, then broke into laughter.

"You all are the same. Every single Romanov is so selfish!" Anastasia shouted and laughed. "You all lied about my fiancé getting murdered; and you all make yourselves out to be the victims-"


"The Romanovs truly have a gift, Vladimir. But for honest feedback, your speech could use some work. It was dull and unmoving. If you excuse me, I have work to do." Anastasia tried to walk past me, but I lightly pushed her back. She furrowed her eyebrows at me and crossed her arms. I had to give it another try.

"No matter how much you deny it, you are a Romanov. You are a Grand Duchess and the youngest daughter of the Tsar. I will always be your brother, and you will always be my sister. I love you."

"Get out of my way. I will beat your ass all the way back to Tsarkoye Selo." She shoved me back. I always knew Anastasia was aggressive, but she seemed to be more violent than last time I saw her. However, I understood her anger toward me. In my speech to her, I meant everything I said. I was always going to be sorry about lying to her about Josiah Henry. He was an innocent victim. But clearly, Anastasia did not believe anything I had to say. If I could go back in time and change things, I would.

On the car ride back to Tsarkoye Selo, Anastasia was the only thing on my mind. I could not give up on her so quickly. Not just me, but we all wanted her to come home. We all missed her sarcasm and wit. Hi Unfortunately, what I had to say meant absolutely nothing to her. I was going to have to make another plan on this. But it was going to take a lot of thing. I was willing to put in that effort. I could not return to the bar yet, as we both needed time to think. Maybe, it was time to get the Tsar and Tsarina involved.

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