The Tennis Match

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Over one-mile away, there were tennis courts away from the castle. Apparently, there were twenty of them and a small picnic table was waiting for us as well. I dressed in a pair of brown-sporting pants that went to my knees and a white-blouse. It was nice to see a lot of other women wear sporting pants as well, but many stuck to modern-day "sport" dresses. People wore their sunglasses and chatted away as we walked down the path to the tennis courts.

"God dammit, it is so bloody hot outside." David complained and pulled at his polo. I saw him and Guy ahead of me. Guy laughed a little and looked around the area. He turned his head around and saw me. A smirk appeared on his face before subtly moving away from David and to my side instead.

"Anastasia Nikolaevna."

"Sir Greystone."

"Call me Guy. We do not need to be formal with each other. Must I say, you look rather ravishing. I love seeing a woman in trousers." Guy looked me up and down. I scoffed and shook my head at him.

"Are you flirting with me right now?" I chuckled.

"Yes. Is it working?"

"No, it is not. I told you, Guy, I am not an easy woman. I do not know why you want me in the first place."

Guy leaned in and whispered in my ear. "That is because I find you most endearing, Grand Duchess."

I laughed at him. "Oh, you are trouble. I believe flirting with me is treason for a commoner."

"I guess that is a risk I am willing to take." Guy nodded. "I tell you what. You play me in a round of tennis. If you win, I leave you around for the rest of the Summer. But if I win, you let me take you dancing one night."

"Sneak away? My parents would have my head." I scoffed.

"I thought you were an independent female. Do not worry, I will speak to them. Do we have a deal, Anastasia Nikolaevna?" He held his hand out. I reluctantly shook his hand. Guy's eyes were a deep brown, something a person could get lost in. He was an average-looking man, but had beautiful eyes.

"Anastasia! Come help!" I heard Olga yell. I made sure to give Guy a flirty look as I walked away. I made my way to the back of the crowd wear Olga was pushing Igor in his wheelchair. Igor could walk small distances, but nothing more than that. He had to use all of his strength to carry the children. But this would be too far of a walk for him, so he had to use the wheelchair. Poor Igor was going to be this way for the rest of his life.

"Yes, Olenka?" I asked.

"Hold his cane as we go down this hill coming up."

"Didn't Igor have a nurse for awhile?"

"A short time. I did not trust her so I decided to care for him myself."

Igor rolled his eyes. "Nastya, your sister believed the nurse was flirting with me. Right, because the nurse wants who can barely use the restroom by himself."

Olga scoffed at him. "You did not see the way she looked at you! It does not matter that you are crippled. You are a prince with money. Trust me, you are safer with me."

"Mm yes, I am." Igor grinned and moved his hand behind to try and grab Olga's leg. She jumped and squealed before laughing at him.

"Ugh, you both are disgusting. If you are going to act like teenagers, then I am going back with everyone else."

"Do not be jealous." Olga shrugged. "You still have to get married."

I shook my head. "No, I am going to end up alone and wrinkly like Princess Victoria of Wales."

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