Now He's Getting Married

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My eyes fluttered open. I was laying in a bed that was not my own. I attempted to move, but I felt intense main in my lower-belly. I groaned as I sat up again my pillow. I was in the hospital. Last thing I could remember was being on stage during Igor's speech. I was now in one of the private rooms at the hospital. Anton was sitting in the chair next to my hospital bed, his head resting by my feet as he slept.

"Anton? Anton?" I said. His eyes slowly opened, but he sprang up the moment he became aware. His eyes were soft as he leaned over me and began stroking my hair.

"Hey, you." Anton whispered with a sincere tone. "How are you feeling?"

"My stomach hurts...what happened?"

"You were in an accident and you were shot. Your husband was shot as well. He is stable but has not yet woken up."

"And Olga and Igor? What happened to my sister?" I attempted to sit up, but Anton lightly pushed me back down.

"Do not worry. Olga was unharmed and is in the waiting room. Prince Igor Konstantinovich...well, we are doing everything we can."

I groaned. "When doctors say that, it means my brother-in-law does not have a high chance of survival. Have you told my sister that yet? Have you contacted my parents? What about my children? Oh God, my children." I attempted to sit up again, but Anton refused to let me get up again.

"Tatiana Nikolaevna, do not worry. I will take care of everything. But right now, I care most about taking care of you. Is there anything I can do for you?" Anton stroked my cheek with a soft smile.

"I want my children to know that their parents are alright and only in a small accident. Anton?"


"I also want chocolate truffles." I felt myself becoming sleepy again and my eyelids becoming heavy.

Anton chuckled. "I think that can be arranged. Just go back to sleep."

I did end up falling back asleep. When my eyes fluttered open, it was very dark outside and in my room. I was alone in my room, but I was thirsty and wanted to know more about my family. I tuned on the lamp. I took the bell on my nightstand and started to ring it. In a matter of seconds, Rebecca Brown came in with a smile.

"Tatiana Nikolaevna, I am so happy you are alright. Is there something you need?"

"Can you get Anton?"

Rebecca's smile faded and she gulped. "Anton is busy right now. He is not here to just attend to your needs."

"Rebecca Brown, I did not mean it like that."

"I am so sick and tired of-" Rebecca began to shout until Anton came around the corner. They looked at each other sternly until Rebecca groaned and stormed out of the room. He sighed and shut the door behind him as he came in. Anton walked over and sat at the edge of the bed. He had a look of frustration and seemed conflicted.

"No," I shook my head. "Please tell me Dmitri and Igor are alright."

"Oh, they are both fine. Your husband's surgery was a success and will most likely be asleep for most of the day tomorrow. Prince Igor Konstantinovich's surgery was a success, but has fallen into a coma."

"Dear God...and my children?"

"I contacted your home. The children believe you were both in a minor car accident, but are fine and will be back in a day or two."

"Thank you. They would have panicked and screamed if they found out guns were involved, especially Baby Irina."

Anton chuckled. "Children are difficult, but full of love. Tatiana Nikolaevna...I need to speak with you about something."

I situated myself and tried to sit up, but I was in too much pain. Anton stood up and put his hands on my back and helped move me up, even moving my pillow to make it more comfortable. He then sat back down on the edge of the bed. Anton clasped his hands together and rested his elbows on his knees.

"In a few months...I will not longer be the director of this hospital." Anton turned his head to look at me.

My heart sank. "W-What do you mean?"

"I have asked Rebecca Brown to marry me."

I looked down at his left-hand. I noticed a small silver-wedding band. How long had he been betrothed? My God, had I been blind for so long? I never thought Anton had the same love for Rebecca. I had so many questions and emotions in my mind.

"How long have you been betrothed for?"

Anton sighed. "About four-months now."

"My God...have I been such a horrible friend for this long? How have I not noticed you were engaged? Why did you not tell me?"

"You had your own life, Tatiana Nikolaevna. You were dealing with getting a tutor for Prince Dmitri Dmitrievich and-"

"That is no excuse!" I shouted. "You are my best friend and you should have told me about your betrothal! I cannot possibly keeping working here at the hospital-"

Anton shook his head. "You can. Do not let me ruin the hospital for you. You have put in so much money and time to this hospital."

"Anton, I did not spend so much time at this hospital for years for no reason. I did it all for the Russian people...but mostly for you. Where shall you work now?"

"Rebecca and I are moving to England," I paused. "I will continue my medical practice there after we get married."

I felt so overwhelmed. The hospital had felt like my refuge for years. I adored the patients I had met and all the friends I had made. Anton was my greatest friend, and now he was leaving Russia. I was so utterly heartbroken. Who would I confide in now?

"Can I at least come to the wedding?" I asked through some tears.

"Of course, you can. We wish to invite all of you, including the Tsar and Tsarina."

I looked at him with tears in my eyes. Once the tears started to fall, Anton leaned over and pulled me into an embrace. It was warm and I felt comfortable with him. This may be the last hug I ever have with him.

"Tatiana Nikolaevna?" He whispered.

"Yes, Anton?"

"Apart of me will always be in love-"

I shushed him. "I know. I know."

Anton did not say anything after that. I did not dare say anything either. We simply held each other and tried to not think about the day he must leave.

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