Chapter 9 ~ Are You Serious?

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As much as I hate to admit it, that lady Cathryn was right. It was just getting dark when I pulled up to my first of three destinations, before arriving back at the ranch. I walked into the lobby of the shabby motel, looking around for all possible exits. Lucky for me, it turned out that my room was on the third floor-just gotta love The Holiday Inn. It had a fully stocked small kitchen, a full-sized bathroom, large t.v., and king-sized bed. It also had a small balcony, with a ladder that led to the roof, which I found quite odd; I’d check that out later.  I grabbed a couple of frozen burritos from the freezer and put them in the microwave. Now, to find that letter!

 I finally found it, tucked inside the Bible on the bedside table. I’d never have thought to look there, though, if it wasn’t for the fact I accidentally knocked the book to the ground when I bumped the table. Hearing the microwave beep, I grabbed my burritos and the honey mustard from the fridge (Don’t bash it ‘til you try it; it’s like fries and milkshakes!) and sat on the bed to read the letter.

 Dear Luna;

 I’m sure by now you’re wondering what is going on. I will start by saying the people you think are your parents, aren’t. You were kidnapped a couple of weeks before your third birthday. Obviously you were too young to remember your true parents, and because of the abuse you have suffered, your body has suppressed your abilities. The ‘wand’ I gave you is, for now, the easiest way to harness your abilities. Because your true nature has been suppressed for so many years, the only way for your abilities to appear is either through the use of the wand, or your mates to mark you. The reason Chance and Damien did not mark you yet, is because they wanted to tell you about the werewolf world first, after you had fallen in love with them. They believe you are human, which for now you are.

 Since the wand allows you to use some of your more difficult abilities, the ones that are easier to control will make themselves known, so to speak. If not by now, then soon you will find wings sprouting from your back-don’t be alarmed; they’re quite safe, and will disappear when not being used. Also, any time your wings are out, all of your senses will be extra-ordinarily heightened. Theses wings aren’t bullet- or arrow-proof, so be careful.

 Before I tell you about your parents, you need to put up a protective shield. Take the wand and hold it pointing above you. Think about an invisible, unbreakable shield around the room and the roof. Oh, the only people who can get through this shield-EVER-are Chance, Damien, and your children. This shield will not let any harm come to you, and you can expand, shrink, or make it temporarily disappear, at any time.

 Well, first thing’s first! I picked up the wand, and pictured a force-field (like the one’s on Star Trek) around the whole room, as well as 100 feet above the room, just in case (the people who took me could try anything). Opening my eyes, I put the wand next to me, placed my empty plate on the table, and continued reading. Don’t ask me why I’m not completely freaking out right now-I’ll do almost anything to get back to Chance and Damien; I guess I’ll freak out later!

 Now that you’ve erected the shield, it will never fully go away-the longest it will ever be gone is 30 minutes, when your children are born. Perhaps I should let you know who I am, now that you’re safe. I am your grandmother. Your birth mothers’ mother. Since your disappearance, both your mother and father have been scouring the world looking for you, but have been unable to find you. Unfortunately, by the time I was able to find your location, you were already kidnapped, again. I am unable to find either of your parents, nor do I know if they are alive. However, I can help you locate them when you return to the ranch. Now for some family history and to reveal what you really are. Your mother’s family is full of a mix of werewolves, and humans; however, your mother is a shape-shifter. Meaning she can shift into any animal (or human) she wants. No one knows how, but I believe there was a shape-shifter somewhere in our lineage. Your father is a faerie; although your parents have never shared their story, it will be a miracle if they are both alive, since mating’s like theirs is forbidden in the faerie world. Obviously, you know what a human and a werewolf is, but faeries are practically unheard of except in those silly fairytales one reads. Since your powers have been suppressed due to the horrible abuse you suffered, your wolf has been repressed as well. As I stated previously, once you are marked by Chance and Damien (which will have to happen at the same time, most likely within 24 hours of your return to the ranch), your powers will be released, as will your wolf.

 Since you already know about werewolves and humans, I’ll give you a little information about faeries. That’s where you get your powers and wings from. Oddly enough, there is a separate faerie realm, but it is difficult to find and it is somewhere in Ireland. I don’t know anything other than that-your father will have to fill you in, since he’s a faerie.

 As for your powers-you can control all the elements; as in you can make fire, water, wind and earth from your body, as well as control the natural elements around you. You can also mentally communicate with animals, but you cannot control them. Both the werewolf and faerie in your blood is what gives you super-healing, although it will be doubled when they are brought forth. Basically this means that any injuries you sustain will heal almost instantly. Any broken bones will have to be set properly first, of course. 

 The last thing I have to discuss with you is your condition. Since no one has been around to give you the proper information on werewolf and faerie mating, I will tell you as much as I know. Chance and Damien’s mother was one of the few people-werewolf or human-to have two mates. It’s practically unheard of for anyone to get pregnant by two different men. So far, there have only been six recorded double-mating’s; all werewolf. Each happened within the last ten centuries. The last was the twins’ mother, and now you. Yes my dear, you are pregnant. Now, for the real surprise: You are carrying two sets of twins-one set by each brother. That in itself is a miracle, whether you chose to believe it or not. There is not much regular food you will be able to eat, due to your faerie nature. That is why I had those protein bars made-they are good for you and the babies.

 I know all this information is overwhelming. Until you complete the mating with Chance and Damien, you won’t be able to gain all of your abilities. There is nothing left for you to do until you get back to the farm. This journey will take about a day and a half, as long as you only stop for gas. Once you return to the ranch, I will meet with you.

Until then,



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