Chapter 10 ~ Learning New Things

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I keep pinching myself every once in a while, hoping this is a dream. Why am I so calm about all of this? A few months ago I was living in hell, now I have not one, but TWO soul-mates; I’m supposed to help them run their werewolf pack; I’m a magical being; I’m being chased by werewolves – I don’t even know why – and I’m pregnant with FOUR babies! This is crazy – I should be totally spazing out! But I’m as calm as I could possibly be...

I decided to go on to the roof, since I’m on the top floor. I want to get the hang of this flying thing – or at the very least; getting my wings out, lifting off, landing and putting them away. I just hoped the wings didn’t do anything to my clothes.

Climbing on to the roof was easy! Looking up at the stars, I searched for the moon. Immediately after I laid eyes on the thin sliver, I felt myself being drawn towards it, as if I were in a trance.  Suddenly I felt a strong surge of power flow through me, then a overwhelming sense of peace. ‘Okay, that was a little weird.’ Taking a breath, I closed my eyes and concentrated on bringing my wings out. I was relieved when only seconds passed before they emerged from my shoulder blades, and I brought them around the front of my body to take a closer look. They seemed to shimmer between a silver-like blue and a transparent white as I moved them around. ‘I wonder if I can make myself invisible? I’ll have to try that!’

Slowly moving my wings back and forth, I tried to lift off the roof, but all I did was succeed in flinging myself backwards, landing on my butt with a soft thud. After a few more tries, I figured out that I had to tuck my arms to the sides of my body and bend over, keeping my wings parallel to the ground. I quickly learned that these gigantic things were extremely powerful, and I only needed to ‘flap’ them slowly and gently to move a little. When I flapped them completely, I ended up hundreds of feet in the air! Well, at least I knew what to do if I needed to get away quickly!

Landing was another story entirely; I knew my legs were going to be sore tomorrow, due to how hard I kept landing, but at least I would be driving, so the pain wouldn’t bother me too much. I finally managed to figure out how to land softy without falling on my butt...but I had to land either walking or running, in order to keep from falling. After practicing a couple more times, I finally went to bed, exhausted.

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling a sense of dread. I tried to see if I could sense anything, but I didn’t feel anything. Still, I packed up what little I had, grateful that I didn’t bring much into the room. I looked through the curtains by the door, careful to keep myself out of sight, but I didn’t see anything. Just as I went to move away, my vision changed and suddenly my sight changed, and I could see multiple auras behind the trees and bushes, at various points around the front of the building. I looked away as my vision went back to normal and I ran into the shower, willing my racing heart to calm down.

Placing a hand on the wall to steady myself, I placed the other on my stomach, wondering ‘who are they? What do they want with me? Or is it my babies that these people want? I wish I had a way to contact someone, anyone for help; what do I do?!?’ I knew I couldn’t get to the car before they could attack me...but my shield is supposed to protect me and the babies, right? Maybe I can just wait until morning; maybe they’re just here to watch me; to find out where I’m going? I’ll see if I can strengthen my shield, maybe make myself safer? I decided to lie back down and see what I could do to keep the five of us safe. I made sure to place my small bag right next to the bed, in case I had to leave quickly. After I got comfortable, I did my best to relax my body and clear my was difficult, but I managed it. Closing my eyes, I focused on the energy I had felt from the moon earlier. As I felt warmth spread through my chest, I imagined an invisible, impenetrable wall surrounding me. I imagined that my wings, when out, were made of the same impenetrable force. I felt the warmth spread through my entire body and radiate outward, stopping just a few feet away.

Opening my eyes I saw that I was floating a couple of feet above the bed, yet I still felt as though I was laying on it. Looking around me, I saw a slightly shiny bubble surround me. I brought my wings out, and saw that they were the same – slightly shiny, but otherwise invisible. I just hoped that I had succeeded, and that it would be enough to protect me and the babies, if we needed it.

Satisfied and filled with hope, I lowered myself back onto the bed and settled into a comfortable position to try to get some sleep. Closing my eyes once more, I prayed that nothing would happen through the night, and I would be able to continue my journey the next morning without having to deal with whoever was outside.

I know it’s short, but it’s all I’ve got for now.  I’m looking for at LEAST 15 comments by different users. If you have a question, feel free to ask! I’ll answer the best I can.

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