Chapter 4 Part II~Bring a Towel

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Here’s Chapter 4 Part II. I don’t do re-caps (especially since you can just go back and re-read what happened in the last chapter anyhow), so here’s the next part, and it picks up where the last chapter left off. I’m terribly sorry I took so long, but with the Christmas happening, plus the things you’ll read about, I’m sure you will soon understand why I had to take oh-so-many breaks!


I assumed Damien would pick up where he’d left off, so to speak, but no. He confused me completely by getting off the bed. Although he was completely dressed, his shirt was still unbuttoned (damn, it looked like some of them were missing!) and his pants….oh my. He was a huge! Hot damn, wait, why was he turning music on? My eyes were glued to him, watching every twitch of his beautifully muscle-clad body. My eyes widened in realization-he was strip dancing! Rather than lowering my legs (as I’m sure he expected) I let them fall open as far as they could, watching the sway of his hips, the torturously slow movement of his hands as they slid his shirt off his chest. I trailed my eyes upward, feeling my pussy juices soaking the blanket. As I reached his eyes, I licked my lips, wanting to taste his body. Was it as delicious as it looked? I watched him follow the path of my tongue, a growl escaping him. Suddenly, he was across the room, attacking my lips with his own, grinding his jean-clad dick into my hot, wet pussy. I could feel alarm bells going off in the back of my head, and panic overtook me. What was going on? Why was I letting him do this to me? I turned my head to the side, breaking the kiss. I tried to close my legs, but his body made that impossible. I reached my hands up, grabbing the headboard, and tried to pull myself upward. Damien stopped me, cupping my face and gently pulling me back towards him.

“Wh-why are you doing this?”

“Darlin , I want you. I know you’ve had some hard times, an’ I don’t want you to think I’m like whoever it was that gave you those marks. I won’t do anythin’ you don’t want me to do, but I do want to make you feel good. I want to pleasure your body. I’m not gonna make love to you, at least not today.  I’ll warn you now though; any chance I get to touch you, I will. Any chance I get to please you, I will. Not always like this, but I will do whatever it takes to get you to trust me.”

“Bu-but why? None of this makes any sense; WHY do you want me? How do you make me feel like this?”

“I’ll tell you everythin’ you want to know, when you tell me about those marks. Deal? The answers to all the questions you have are just as complicated as your answers to my own questions. So why don’t we just wait until you trust me, before we go down that road.”

I sighed. “Okay.”

He grinned. “Good. Now, where was I?”

I gasped as he bit down on my neck, sucking and nipping his way down, from my neck to my left breast, before sucking hard on my nipple. I faintly heard some movement, but I couldn’t think past the sensations he was causing. As he placed open-mouthed kisses across my chest, switching to my right breast, I felt something cool on my left nipple, and heard a few clicks, but before I could look, Damien’s hand was trailing down my stomach, rubbing the curls between my legs, before rubbing my clit between two fingers. By breath hitched, and I gasped out a moan as his fingertip went across my clit. I felt that same coolness, this time on my right nipple, followed by three clicks. My eyes flew open instantly; I looked down to see what he had placed on my nipples; I looked at him questioningly. He slid his hand down my curls, rubbing my slickened core, looking in my eyes as he did so.

“Those are nipple clamps. They stop some of the blood flow; when I take them off, it will feel amazin’.”

I opened my mouth to ask him why, when he pushed one of his fingers inside me, causing me to moan in pleasure. Oh god, he was touching me! And it felt oh-so-good! He started pulling his finger out, and I whimpered at the loss, moaning when he began thrusting his finger in and out. As he added a second finger, my hips began lifting on their own, my hands holding onto the headboard for dear life. I wanted something, but I didn’t know what. I was panting, begging for more, when I felt a heaviness building in my stomach.

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