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The Vehicons that reported to the science department aboard the Nemesis were never fond of their job. One particular reason was because of Shockwave's experimenting and what was arguably worse was the fact that they could be selected at any point for tests. Many Vehicons who were volunteers never came back in one piece or at all.

Silver had seen firsthand some of the experiments that went down. From Vehicons being tested to hold new mixtures that either exploded or disintegrated their servos to those who fell prey to deadlier experiments that more than once led to a few bodies on the floor, he was one of the lucky ones for the time being. He was never chosen to do anything aside from bringing Shockwave his materials, but his name came from the silver stripes of missing paint when a few experiments he witnessed backfired at a farther range than predicted.

Recently, he was finally called forth. He was nervous. Either he died today or lived an agonizing existence; his options weren't really looking good. He couldn't refuse because it was Shockwave...a bot notorious for making someone's life a living hell far worse than any of these experiments could do if they pissed him off.

Silver walked into the lab silently and looked around for the mad scientist, keeping alert for anything out of the ordinary. He then spotted his target. A tube of liquid rotating in a machine, its contents examined and displayed on the screen. He learned enough of Shockwave's scientific babble and notes to know that what Silver was looking at before him was a vial of liquified pheromonal inducer. Normally, they were prescription-based in small doses for boosters, or they were only used in large quantities if there was something wrong with the processor in communication with the interface protocols. It was meant to stimulate what was supposed to naturally occur by the bots who wanted it. What concerned him the most was the fact that Shockwave was going to use it either on himself or him. But why?

There was a fascination as to just what Shockwave was thinking. Was he lonely or was there another ulterior motive? Pheromonal inducers weren't a common thing so to have some was questionable and if he was supposed to test if it worked, not being entirely against the idea, there had to be an outlet for all the drug-induced heat he was going to experience...unless Shockwave wanted to use it on him just to see how a desperately unstable, interface-driven mech would react without stimulation of any kind which was a form of torture as Shockwave was known for, of course.

Silver was unsure but also intrigued of what would happen. It was better than getting blown up or losing limbs so he would take it if it was just handed to him without a motive. And who knows, maybe Shockwave would be a bit merciful when it came to the effects.

"SV-667, I see you have arrived ahead of schedule," Shockwave said from behind.

Silver nearly jumped back from the mech but tried to keep his emotions minimal. Shockwave had a nasty habit of ridiculing or studying others' emotions and it became quite creepy after a while; he was no stranger to it.

Shockwave stepped past him and grabbed the vial from its casing among the computer reading its chemical formula. Upon seeing Silver studying what was in his servo so intensely, Shockwave gave a very small tilt of his head. "You are concerned. Care to tell me why?"

Silver broke his concentration and spoke solemnly, "What do you plan on doing with liquid pheromones? I don't need that, no offense, and I wouldn't think you would either."

"Very astute of you to know what this is, but I will not be doing anything with it. This isn't a part of any experiment. I had a request from Knockout to deliver some to the medbay for a client of his. He gave me a portion of his Energon stockpile as payment, so I got what he needed in return. Since you're here, care to walk with me?"

Silver was bewildered upon hearing that. "Then why do you need me...sir?"

Shockwave simply said, "I need someone to help me deduce a chemical imbalance in the Synth-En Knockout took from Ratchet. I know you've been watching my work and learning so I figured I need an assistant; an official one I can trust."

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