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The femme was fast, faster than any Decepticon could keep up with, at least physically. Physiologically, however...

There was no telling how many times he hid behind a rockface or tree watching while his peers stupidly tried to capture her. He knew better; she was uncapturable. They said it couldn't be done. Only two bots ever had success at doing so. Airachnid and Starscream. No one else had that luck. It was like trying to catch a star when one reached out towards the sky as it shined bright, but it was too far, too mighty of a flame to ever be touched by mere mortals. She couldn't be caught and that's what he liked about her.

Stroking himself as she outmaneuvered her enemies with style, Pyro merely watched the fire burning but knew he would be a fool to do anything aside from watch. He could dream about her, but it would never be the same as the real bot. He never expected it to happen anyways. Arcee never liked Cons since the faction was formed. How would she take to a Vehicon madly in love with her? Probably a blaster right to his face.

Ejaculating into the brush, he slid down the tree to sit overheated in his own pitiful way. He found it hard to stand out with his legs shaking post-overload. "Damn."

"What are you doing?"

He fell back from the tree he had been leaning on and crawled aways in a panic as there before him stood his crush who was currently pointing a blaster in his he predicted. He was speechless but refused to fight back. If he was to go out in the shame, he wouldn't dare hurt his goddess.

Arcee peered between his tense posture and the blatantly visible spike, and she understood immediately what he was up to. "If you've been spying on me, you aren't going to be any better off than your friends."

Pyro had nothing that could lessen his situation. Anything he said would either potentially get him killed or would absolutely ensure he was killed. He slowly shook his head.

"I meant no disrespect. I can' me," he muttered ashamed.

He sensed something change among her, especially when she peered around to see if anybody was around. Then she addressed him. "Normally, I don't do this but I'm a bit stressed today. Here's the deal, Decepticon, we keep this secret between us. You want me so bad then prove it. Try anything that endangers me though and I will blow your head off. Am I clear?"

He stood up slowly not to spook her as he frantically nodded, "Absolutely! Anything for you. I really mean no harm. I just...I just have a crush-"

"Believe me, many people do. You aren't the first bot to do this, by the way, and I don't think you'll be the last. But unlike them, you're the lucky winner," she winked.

Arcee noticed his spike hardening again before the sound of her interface panel retracting to reveal her forbidden valve made him almost purr instinctively. Pyro lifted up his servos to caress her but remembered that it was probably a bad move to do so without her permission and retracted them to have them fall to his side. But then she grabbed them and placed them on her hips.

"You can touch me if you want."

With her permission, he found himself at a loss of what to do for a brief second because he was partially convinced he was dreaming. His claws traced the outline of her curves down before using his thumbs to caress her inner thighs. He looked at her to make sure it was okay and the sultry look he received was his wordless cue to continue.

Dipping one servo down, he stroked her valve petals and was amused as she gripped his wrist in response, giving a small whine when he entered a digit. At the same time, he nearly jumped upon his spike being taken in her palm. If this was a dream, he hoped it never ended.

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