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Nexus shivered among a vast group of Vehicons. It wasn't that he was scared or nervous of Megatron's speech about winning the war. No, he was being felt up by someone around him and he didn't know who. Countless faceless Vehicons beside him, in front of him, behind him, and they all seemed to do was peer up at their master without any trouble, yet he shivered as a clawed servo teased his interface panel. One of them was doing it but he couldn't pinpoint which one.

Nexus wanted to moan at the claws nearly scratching his valve cover. He almost rocked into the sensation but refrained from making a spectacle of himself. He didn't need any attention aside from what he was already dealing with. A part of him wanted the touch but not this way. This was drawing the line.

The problem was worse than this though. This wasn't the first time he had been groped. He couldn't tell if it was the same Vehicon multiple times or just completely random, but the coincidence was alarming. A hundred thousand troops and one happened to target him. Granted, he was a bit easy to identify. His backside had a terrible scar from an explosive. It was no wonder someone could target him if they wanted to, and they were.

When Megatron's speech was done, he turned to leave immediately with the crowd hoping to get lost in it. The touching stopped. He took a right with a smaller group then went down a hall breaking off from them to be alone. He shivered at the thought someone was deliberately stalking him, molesting him. He was fine with an occasional playful attitude as Vehicons were known for, but this was something else.

"Nexus," someone hissed.

The Vehicon grew startled and looked behind him. He didn't see anyone, and he moved a bit faster to try and outpace them. He looked back again when he heard footsteps and held his breath when a shadowed figure approached among the purple light. The frame structure wasn't even close to a normal Vehicon's and white optics were not standard. Suddenly, the figure passed into a dark spot, the optics somehow vanishing and, upon reappearing, a Vehicon like himself emerged walking quickly towards him with a red visor lighting up instead. Either Nexus' optic visor was malfunctioning, playing tricks on him or that wasn't a Vehicon at all.

"Nexus," a deep baritone called out. They laughed, "Do you like giving a chase to those who want to play with you? It must excite you knowing all the fun we could have together, me playing along with your little games. You always used to tease me with that pretty, little aft of yours. Would you moan for the entire empire to hear if I took you right there? What about last time when I rubbed my panel against you? You were practically begging me."

Nexus thought long and hard trying to remember what he did to get this Vehicon imposter to seek him out. Then it clicked...weeks ago, he was among a group of Vehicons assigned to help a bot named Makeshift. They said he could take someone else's form, but it wasn't needed for the job. He bent over multiple times to pick up remnants of Energon crystals from their escapade. So, the bot stalking him was-

Makeshift pinned him against the wall with a purr, "Nexus, you're such a slut and you know it. You could have moved away from my touch all those times, but you remained. Why? Your mind is mine, your body is mine, and you yearn for me."

Nexus felt the servos like his own return to sliding over his aft. He wanted to protest but he was focused on the visage of the Vehicon before he was staring into a mirror. As his copy caressed his aft harshly, he finally let out a brief moan before those wandering servos curved up to his waist. The faceplate of the other Vehicon nudged his neck. As Makeshift sent him more whispers feeling him up, Nexus began to believe what he was told. Slutty, teasing Nexus was what everyone saw, and maybe they were right.

"Nexus," Makeshift said dipping his servo to scratch at the Vehicon's panels.

"Please, I-I need..."

"What do you want, my dear? Tell me and I'll make it happen."

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