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Vixen loved interfacing; he was the sluttiest Vehicon on the Nemesis sleeping with everyone, rivaling his frienemy, Lock. He wasn't ashamed of his actions. He liked to play. But he was growing bored with the bots he had access to.

The Vehicon exited Megatron's chambers with a sigh. The warlord was one of his favorites, but it was the same mech. Positions changed, activities changed, but Megatron was what he always expected. He needed someone new to play with...that he hadn't already done once. What about an Autobot? Not one rule technically stated he couldn't interface with an Autobot. The rules covered whistleblowing, sabotage, and all that but not sex.

Vixen had to think on that. Arcee and Wheeljack were most likely to kill him, Bumblebee seemed like a young stallion, but Optimus wouldn't approve. Smokescreen, no. Ultra Magnus, no. Bulkhead...big potential but best leave him for a special day. That left Ratchet and Vixen knew nothing about the Autobot medic aside from being said medic. Was he a stunner? Was he a fighter? The mystery of the medic was calling him, and he wanted to know but how exactly was he supposed to get close to him if he's always at the Autobot base? A diversion and sneak into the base? Long shot but plausible and thankfully, he had a bit of leeway with his talents.

Setting up the task was hard, especially not alerting Megatron of his real goal. A few scrubbed lies and some juicy alternate incentive, i.e. an attempt to get rid of the Autobots at last, led to the distraction he needed. His fellow troops charged all the Autobots present, and he watched the Autobots' ground bridge remain open before making his move. He only had some time before it closed so he was going all in.

Running to it, he snuck past everyone and made one faithful leap into the portal as it shrunk. He landed a bit rough but was fine otherwise until he found a blade pointed right at his face.

"I suggest going back where you came from. Allow me to escort you out," Ratchet said.

Vixen scanned the bot and was surprised to find the medic was thick, especially in the thighs and handsome to boot. Move over Knockout, there was a new medic he wanted to play with.

The Vehicon laughed, "Oh, but I'd like to get to know you. Is that knife the only thing big on you?"

Ratchet scowled, "What? Where in that twisted warship did you crawl out of? Are you trying to hit on me? Really?"

"I'm from the fun side. Life is too short so why not have some fun and you, dear Ratchet, are someone of interest. I'll be a good bot, I promise. Cross my spark and hope to die," he laughed, gesturing in mockery. "Unless you don't want me to be."

"You Vehicons are getting stranger by the batch..."

That was a compliment to him. Suddenly, Vixen sat on his calves with his legs spread and his arms poised straight the middle making a small window for his chest. "I'm feeling a bit heated today. Aren't you going to help me, Doctor?"

He caught Ratchet's blush and would have smirked if he could. The Autobot medic was quick to peer around to make sure he was the one being addressed, that this wasn't a dream, as if there was any other doctor in the outpost. When he could confirm there was none, Ratchet approached cautiously.

Vixen merely responded by opening his interface panel to reveal his valve only. "That's where it burns, Doctor."

Ratchet eyed the already wet valve and said, "In order for me to do a proper checkup, you're going to have to get on the berth first."

Vixen obeyed and stood up, fanning himself dramatically like an actor which made Ratchet crack a smile, just what he wanted to see. He sat on the medical berth and placed his pedes on the edge with his legs wide so the good doctor had an excellent view of what he could take if he was bold enough. He saw the medic's servos twitch and he leaned back on his arms to appear more presentable and desperate.

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