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The reconstruction of Iacon City was a long process, one Anvil oversaw alongside Bulkhead. The Autobot was strict when he needed to be and caring at all other times about the crew he was working with. He stressed the importance of being careful, and Anvil knew he was right to direct them in such a way. As part of the Nemesis' maintenance crew, Anvil understood all Bulkhead wanted, being no stranger to the demands for a perfect job. It was why he offered to help the mech in the first place.

Anvil did find himself liking the mech more than he wanted to admit. Watching him lug large plates and other items impossible for any Vehicon to lift was inspiring and had Anvil staring sometimes. The only thing he didn't like was the dirt and particles Bulkhead tracked around the building with the materials brushing off on him. He liked cleanliness but he knew better than to expect it from this type of job. Still, it wasn't a bad look per say on the Autobot.

Bulkhead soon left and told them to take the rest of the day off. As he helped clean the remainder of the job site, the Vehicons who strived to help finally left to their temporary home assigned to them. Anvil was the last to leave, double checking everything was secure when he spotted something stuck beyond a wall through a hole big enough for him to climb through if necessary. Getting on his knees, he peered in to see loose metal and made an angry grunt.

He always hated scraps left about. It was his biggest peeve in any job. Some might claim he was a perfectionist, and maybe he was, but he saw it as everything had a place and a purpose. If not used properly or at all, it had to go. Pulling out the pieces made him growl. By the time he got all of them into a pile where he wanted them, he brushed his servos off for a job well done...until he realized he was covered in remnants of metal dust and other particles that turned his purple armor nearly dark silver. Horrendous scattered blotches of color made him look like he had been rolling around in the dust of the construction site willingly. Technically, he did but that was beside the point.


"Is everything okay?"

Anvil was a bit surprised to see Bulkhead walking up from behind him, but he quickly nodded, "Y-yes, I was just tightening things up around here. I've always done stuff like this for as long as I can remember. It's just a tic of mine."

However, as he spoke, he noticed Bulkhead was focusing more on his dirty chassis than him. He wanted to express his disgust at himself for being so unclean but the look he was given made him pause. There was something in the glance over he received that made him curious as to why Bulkhead would be so fixated on such a stupid thing unless...well, he wasn't created yesterday. The shock of the idea a kind soul like Bulkhead had a perversion of working hard and getting dirty had Anvil at a slight loss of how to respond. But everyone had their kinks, he supposed, and it wasn't exactly a one-sided thing.

Bulkhead liked seeing him covered with remnants of work, and he liked Bulkhead with his strong physique muscling around things that could have dust or other particles coating him. He was unsure of how to approach his crush when Bulkhead seemed to naturally pick up on the awkwardness of the situation.

"Do you need help getting cleaned up?" Bulkhead asked innocently.

Anvil didn't answer as Bulkhead retrieved a bucket filled with clear oil made for tough grime and a sponge. He soaked the sponge in the oil and offered to help scrub off the dust and other materials. Curious as to what the mech would do, Anvil outstretched his arm and watched Bulkhead gently reveal his natural purple armor now glossy from the oil.

The sponge got to his chassis, and he tensed as oil dripped down and left trails across his dusty finish. When Bulkhead went to his backside, he knew what the mech wanted to do but pretended to focus only on helping him. Admirable but Anvil wanted something too. He was tempted to make things more interesting and upon playing a scenario in his processor, his daring side decided to go through with it. It wasn't like he could lose anything.

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