Bonus 2: Skylynx

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Mono had seen the Predacons come to life, one of the few Vehicons who managed to reconnect with Shockwave and Starscream on Cybertron after escaping Autobot custody. While the other Vehicons accepted their change in authority with the Autobots, Mono did not. It was quite a surprise to know Shockwave was up to his old tricks and the result of which were two huge monsters.

Darksteel had his own goofy personality, unhinged even, but Skylynx was intriguing. Despite being born from a lab dish, the burly beast displayed hidden intelligence, but his ego overtook his reasoning a bit quick. Mono was a little too curious for his own good as he watched Starscream take a prod one too many times to the larger being before getting roared at. It was Shockwave who took the initiative to calm the beast down. Fascinating.

The Vehicon observed the Predacon for some time, admittedly too close. It was more trying to understand how the creature worked more than anything. A Predacon that could evolve to transform was only believed to exist once and that was Predaking. Having two more was just a modern science no one could truly behold. Then one day, Mono found something surprising.

Skylynx was furious at Darksteel and drove him off in an uproar of beastly fury despite being in robot mode. When the latter was gone after giving a roar back and stomping off to parts unknown, the dark teal and dark red Cybertronian huffed and shook irritably.

Mono had been walking nearby when he heard the scuffle and peaked around the corner of the old medbay that had no operable doors for eons. He wanted to say something when he saw Skylynx claw at his own interface panel with a whine. Then it clicked. Skylynx was in heat. It was his first one, and he wasn't entirely sure what to do yet. While Predaking was possibly already taught or picked up on basic Cybertronian exotic organs, neither Skylynx nor Darksteel had seen any need for the information up until now.

Skylynx hissed when after pawing himself he seemed to figure out how to open his own panel specifically for his need. He stared at his spike and barely prodded it only growl from a flare of pleasure when he stroked it a certain way. Mono watched every detail of the Predacon's journey into maturity. While he had his back turned, the Vehicon snuck in and managed to keep behind him as the larger mech placed a servo on the wall and slowly figured out how to stroke himself. The poor thing had mixed feelings; Mono understood that more than the Predacon possibly could know because once, he was the exact same way.

Born as a clone, Vehicons were raised as soldiers and were only knowledgeable of exterior threats to their cause like the Autobots at the time. But no matter how altered they were, life always found a way to explore every possibility...and that's exactly what Vehicons like Mono did. They discovered interface which spread among the barracks as eventual common sense, they made their own personalities, and they cultivated Cybertronian divergence even if there wasn't much to be diverse in. Predacons seemed to be no different and for that, Mono felt Skylynx was a kindred, heartfelt creature of forced science.

Mono heard him growl and rumble feeling the new sensations. He didn't interrupt the process and instead hid behind a medical berth where he could see the Predacon enough to not be spotted in case Skylynx turned around. He sat and crossed his legs at first like a youngling before staring when things became more aggressive.

Skylynx turned and placed his back against the wall, his wings puffing out slightly among being squished as he got rough with himself. Mono felt heat flare across his systems watching what he shouldn't have been and slowly reached down to touch his panel when his spike began to pressurize, and his valve flared seeing such a large member. He knew it was wrong. This wasn't right for him to be invading a private moment and breaking Skylynx's trust, not that there was much to begin with. But he wanted to know; in a way, he wanted to help him.

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