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Madison groaned as she felt a contraction hit her. She was scared. She was going to have her baby and she was scared.

She knew that it was early. She knew all the stress with Warren had done this.

She sat in the hospital bed. She groaned as she looked to Harleigh. "I can't do this," Madison said.

Harleigh looked to her and smiled. "I know that you're scared. It's going to be okay. Look I am here. And it will be all be okay," she said as Madison looked to her and smiled.

Madison didn't know if her baby was going to be okay. And even though she didn't want Warren there, She knew it was his baby. She knew that she was glad that he wasn't there. But she was glad that her sister was there for her.

"I know that you're scared. But I'm here for you. And it will be okay," Harleigh said as Madison smiled as she felt a contraction hit her.

She looked to see the doctors walked in. Harleigh took a hold of her hand. She smiled and looked to her.

Madison knew how this wasn't how she planned on having her baby. She knew it was a mess and it scared her.

Madison pushed as the doctors told her as she groaned. She heard the sound of crying. She watched as her baby was wrapped up.

"You did it. It's okay," Harleigh said as Madison sat numbly.

She was now a mum.


Madison sat in the bed. She looked to her small baby and smiled.

She was small and she was perfect. She couldn't believe that she and Warren had made her.

"What are you doing to do?" Harleigh asked as she stroked the baby's hair.

Madison looked to her and sighed. "I don't know. I said I'd go once I had her. And now I can. But I need to get out of here before Warren finds me. I can't have him get his hands on her. He is toxic. And he has hurt me so much. I can't do that. I can't let him hurt her too. I need your help," she said.

Harleigh looked to her. She smiled. "I'll go and see Freddie. I'll see if I can get you a car. And then I'll take you to the docks. You can't fly. And neither can she. Even if I have get you across the country," she said as Madison smiled.


Madison sat in the hospital with her bags. She was waiting for Harleigh to get back as she soothed her baby. She knew how she was planning her escape. And she didn't know what to do.

She knew how her hormones were all over the place. And how it wasn't just her that she had to think about. Madison was stressed.

She ran a hand through her hair. She heard the door open. She frowned as she turned around. "And where do you think that you're going?" She heard Warren say as she looked to him and frowned.

She knew that he wasn't going to let her walk out of the door.

Her Little Girl {Hollyoaks}Where stories live. Discover now