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Madison woke in Warren's bed. She had been staying with him as she didn't want to be around Glenn. She hated how he had been the one to break her.

Warren walked in with a bacon sandwich. Madison smiled and sat up. Warren climbed back into bed with her. "Have you spoken to Harleigh?" He asked.

Madison nodded. "We text last night. She wants to come over and go shopping."

"You should go. It'll be nice."

Madison smiled slightly. "I think I might."

Harleigh walked over to Warren's flat. He let her in and gave her some money. "Make sure she has a nice time. She's been quiet."

Harleigh nodded and smiled. "She does love you. You make her happy."

"She's changed me for the better. All I can think of now is having a family with her," Warren said.

Harleigh grinned. "Good."

Madison and Harleigh were in town. Harleigh had to keep quiet about what she and Warren had planned. They weren't letting Glenn get away with what he had done. Warren wasn't going to let him.

Harleigh smiled. "So warren tells me you want a baby."

"No. We're not even trying. But if it happens, then we'll deal with it. I'm just worried that things won't work with us," she said.

"They will bubs. Trust me. You and Warren are meant to be."

Madison shrugged. She didn't know what to think.

Later on that night, Madison and Warren were lying in bed. Warren bit his lip as Madison laid a hand on his thigh. He looked at her. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"I don't want to be scared to have sex. I want you."

Warren began to kiss her neck. Madison moaned in pleasure. She laid down and pulled him on top of her. Warren smirked. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Madison had fallen asleep so Warren left the flat. He went to meet with Harleigh. "You sure you wanna do this?" He asked.

Harleigh nodded. "He Hurt my little sister. He's not getting away with this."

The next morning, Madison and Warren went for a walk around the village. Grace walked over to them. "Haven't you heard?"

"Heard what?"

"Glenn has been found dead. Someone killed him," Grace sobbed. She was heartbroken.

Madison was shocked. She looked at Warren. She could tell he was hiding something. She didn't want to question him in front of Grace though.

Madison and Warren returned to the flat. Madison turned to him. "What did you do?" She asked.

Warren sighed. "Babe, I didn't do anything. I promise. Look, I'll be honest. Harleigh and I thought about it. But we didn't."

Madison couldn't believe what she was hearing. She looked at him. "You went out to kill someone last night? What happened to a fresh start?" She asked.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't let him get away with hurting you."

All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door. Madison opened it and saw the police officer. "We have some questions for you and Mr Fox."

"Come in."

The officer sat down. "I just have to know. Where were you and Mr Fox last night?" He asked.

Warren was about to speak when Madison interrupted. "We were here. All night. Having sex."

"Anyone who can agree to that?"

Madison scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Yes. Because we do live streams on Facebook of us having sex. There is a used condom in the bedroom bin. I'm sure you'll find what you want in there."

As soon as the officer left, Warren looked at Madison. "Are you mad? You'll get done for lying."

Madison shrugged. "As far as anyone is concerned, you were with me all night and we were having mad hot sex. No one needs to know that you weren't here."

Warren kissed her passionately. But both had one question on their mind:

Who killed Glenn?

Her Little Girl {Hollyoaks}Where stories live. Discover now