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Madison cradled her baby in her arms. She looked to Warren as he stood in the doorway. He looked to her. "I asked you a question. Where do you think that you're going with my daughter?" He asked.

"Our daughter."

"Madison please. Don't do what you're planning. We can make it work. Don't go. Don't take her," he said as he walked towards her as she held her close.

She didn't know what warren was up to. Or if she could trust him.

All that she knew was that the last few months of her pregnancy had been hell. And she couldn't deal with it all.

She knew how he had cheated on her. And not just with anyone. With her mother and it hurt. It hurt that he had done this to her and she didn't know if she could trust him.

"What do you expect me to do Warren? Play happy families with you after what you did. You hurt me. I was happy in love with you. And you slept with my mother of all people. One of the people I should trust most in the world and you slept with her. You didn't just break my heart. You shattered it into a million pieces. I can't do it," she said as the tears rolled down her face.

"Can I hold her please?"

Madison looked to the baby and to him. "Sit on the bed. I don't want her near the door."

"In case I take her?" he said as she nodded.

He sat on the bed as she handed the baby to him as he smiled. "I'm sorry for all of this. Just don't leave. Not yet," he said as she nodded.

She wanted to give him a chance.


Harleigh looked to Madison as they stood in the flat. "What do you mean that you're staying. You actually want Warren around her? Madi you just gave birth. You're not thinking clear. Look at all he has done to you," she said.

Madison looked to her. "I know. I know what he's done. I know what a head mess it is. But we have a child together. And we're just talking. I need you to watch her for me," Madison said as she handed the baby to Harleigh.

"I really don't do babies."

"Get your practice in. For when Freddie knocks you up. Please Har. You're the only one I trust with her," Madison said.

Harleigh looked to her and sighed. "You're lucky I love you. And she's cute. Don't let him walk over you." 


Madison sat on the sofa as Warren walked in and looked to her. "Does she have a name?" He asked.

"We never got around to that with all that happened. But I thought Ella," she said as he looked to her and smiled.

"I like it. Look I know how things are. And I know I haven't been there for you and I'm sorry. I know I hurt you. I let you down. But please. Let me try and make it up to you," he said as he took a hold of her hand.

"We made her together. How do I know that you won't take her?"

"Because I have hurt you enough. And it would kill me doing it again," he said as she sighed.

"Friends we do this as friends," she said as he looked to her and smiled.

But could they really raise their daughter together? Knowing that it wasn't going to be easy.

Her Little Girl {Hollyoaks}Where stories live. Discover now