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Madison woke in bed next to Warren. Since the first time they'd had sex, they were at it each chance they got. But they always made sure they had protection.

Madison woke in bed next to Warren. She had snuck him into the house. She grinned and straddled him. Warren smirked and kissed her. "Morning."


Madison grinned began grinding against him. Warren got hard. He flipped them and pushed into her. Madison swore and kissed him passionately.

Grace saw Warren sitting on the sofa.  She glared. "What the hell are you doing here?" She asked.

Warren smirked and winked. Madison came down and grinned. "Morning mum."

"Madison, why is Warren Fox sitting on my sofa? In his boxers?" Grace asked her daughter.

Madison grinned again. "Oh. I invited him over. I got a little cold," she told her.

Madison and Warren walked around the village. Madison saw Sienna. "Wow. She really doesn't like me," she mumbled.

Warren shrugged. "Oh well. She isn't worth it," he said. He kissed her head. "I want you Mads. No one else."

Madison grinned and kissed him passionately. Sienna glared. "Warren, can we talk?" She asked.

Warren rolled his eyes. "No. Sorry."

Harleigh walked over to Madison. She grinned. "Mum told me Warren was sitting on the sofa in his boxers," she said.

Madison grinned. Harleigh squealed. "You and him have had sex?" She asked.

"More than once."

Harleigh laughed. "You go girl. Is he good?"

Grace walked over to Warren. "You need to keep away from my daughter. She deserves better than you," she said.

Warren smirked. "Well she wants me. I want her. She's an adult."

Grace rolled her eyes. She took a step closer to Warren. "My Madison is sensitive. She's not like Harleigh at all. She won't tell you when something is up."

Warren glared. "I love Madison and I'm not breaking up with her to keep you happy," he said.

Madison smiled when she heard Warren say he loved her. She knew she was falling in love with him too. She quickly left the club when Grace came down.

Madison bumped into Sienna. She sighed. "Are you stalking me?" She asked.

"I wouldn't waste my time. Just keep away from Warren. He doesn't need you or your vile teenage ways," Sienna said.

Madison laughed. "Oh Sienna. You need to wise up. Warren doesn't want you. He doesn't want the village nutter."

Warren came out the club. He saw Madison with Sienna and walked over. "Babe, You okay?" He asked.

Madison nodded. She stood by Warren. He made her feel safe. Warren wrapped an arm around her waist. "Come on babe. I'm gonna treat you to dinner."

Grace stood watching Madison with Warren. She wanted her daughter away from him. Harleigh grinned. "She's happy. I love seeing her happy."

"It won't last. He will break her heart."

Harleigh sighed. "Mum. Have some trust in him. She likes him."

But little did Harleigh know, Grace was planning on coming between Madison and Warren. In the worst possible way there was.

Her Little Girl {Hollyoaks}Where stories live. Discover now