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Warren was worried about Madison. He hadn't seen her for days. He knew that something had happened and he wanted to know.

When he woke that morning, he checked his phone. He didn't have any messages or missed calls from Madison. He grabbed his phone and text Harleigh;

Is Madison okay? I'm worried. Call me back - Warren.

He sent the text and sighed.

Harleigh walked into Madison's bedroom. She saw her little sister cuddled up in bed. "Babes, Warren has text me. He's worried about you."

"I'm fine," Madison mumbled. Her voice was raspy.

Harleigh sighed and joined her in the bed. She held her close. "It's gonna be okay. You're strong enough to get through this. I know you are."

Madison shook her head. "No. I'm not. I'm just another rape victim and I can't handle this. I don't want it in my head anymore," she sobbed.

Harleigh felt her heart break for her sister.

Harleigh had somehow convinced Madison to go and see the doctor. They left the flat and made their way to the hospital.

Madison grabbed hold of Harleigh's hand. Neither of them had any idea that Warren was standing behind them. "How do I tell the doctor?"

"You have to babes."

Madison shook her head. "I can't. I can't walk into that hospital and tell them I was raped."

"You what?"

The girls turned to see Warren standing there. He looked mad. "Babe, who did this?"

Madison looked at him. "I-I don't know," she sobbed. She looked down at the ground. "I didn't know how to tell you."

Warren took her into his arms and held her as she cried. He was going to kill whoever did this. He hated seeing the one he loved look so broken.

Madison sat cuddled into Warren in his flat after she had seen the doctor. Harleigh had gone to see Freddie. Warren kissed her head. "I wish you'd have told me babe. I'd have looked after you."

Madison sighed and wiped away some tears. She looked at him. "I knew you'd want to find who did it and kill them. I don't want to lose you."

Warren kissed her lips passionately and looked into her eyes. "I would kill for you, you know I would babes."

Madison walked into the flat and sighed. She hated being alone since her attack. The front door opened and Glenn walked in. He smirked at Madison. "Are you okay?"

"Leave me alone."

Glenn rolled his eyes. He walked over to Madison. "I can make your life hell. But from what I can see, you're already going through hell," he spat.

Madison smelt the same aftershave from when she was attacked. She realised it was Glenn. "Y-You raped me."

Warren heard the front door banging. He quickly opened it to see Madison. "I-It was Glenn. He's the one who raped me."

Warren was fuming. He knew him and Harleigh were already planning on killing whoever attacked Madison. But who else wanted him dead?

Her Little Girl {Hollyoaks}Where stories live. Discover now