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A/N - Harleigh Black, her kiddies belong to Carolineeexx😘

The black cab pulled up in Hollyoaks village. The passenger was sixteen year old Madison Black. She was the youngest daughter of Grace Black.

Madison walked around the village. Her black heels alerting those around her she wasn't one to be messed with.

Grace glared at her daughter Harleigh. She had been found in bed with Freddie Roscoe. Grace hated Freddie with a passion. She didn't think he was worthy of Harleigh's affections.

Harleigh rolled her eyes. "Mother, I am over sixteen. I can have sex with who I want and nothing will change that."

"Not with Freddie Roscoe! He killed my father," Grace yelled.

"No proof of that!"

Grace glared. But before she could say something, there was a knock at the door. Grace answered it. "Wotcher!"

"Madison? What the hell?"

Madison grinned. "I got excluded. Apparently you can't have sex with a member of staff without being excluded. Ah well, I don't have to pass that class now."

Madison looked at her older sister. "Still pissing mum off I take it?"

"You know it. It's good to see you Madi," she said.

Madison was being shown around the village by Harleigh. "Sex with a teacher? I never thought my sister would be a revel," Harleigh said.

Madison grinned. "It had to be done Harleigh. He was hot."

"I taught you well."

Grace couldn't believe her youngest daughter had been excluded from her school. She knew Madison was a mini Grace but she didn't think she would take after her school wise.

Madison went to the club with Harleigh. Her mouth fell open at the sight of the guy standing behind the bar. "Who's that?" Madison asked her sister.

"Warren Fox. Total bad boy. Mum doesn't like him either."

Madison grinned and walked over to Warren. "Hi. I'm Madison Black and you're hot," she said.

Harleigh choked on her laughter. She sat at the bar and watched as Madison flirted with Warren. She drank some orange juice.

Grace went to find her two girls. She needed to give them both rules. She knew they were both out of control.

Grace eventually found them in the club. Madison was flirting with Warren. Harleigh was dancing with Freddie. "Girls, Get back home!" She yelled.

Madison rolled her eyes. "You need to get a life mother. I have one."

"You're sixteen Madison. You shouldn't even be here," Grace said.

Madison lost the grin. "You Don't want me?"

"I didn't mean that Madison. I just meant you're supposed to be in boarding school," Grace said in an attempt to reason with her daughter.

Madison grabbed her jacket and walked out. Harleigh glared. "Well done Mother. Way to make her feel unwelcome," she spat.

Madison was sitting by the fountain. Warren came and sat by her. "Ignore her. She's just bitter that you're younger and clearly more beautiful," he said.

Madison turned to look at Warren. She was going to make herself known in Hollyoaks village. And she would do it with a bang.

Her Little Girl {Hollyoaks}Where stories live. Discover now