Third day of Christmas

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KAJ2004 wanted something using the Gotham Knights dynamic and I haven't played the game but I do have Tik Tok so I've seen some stuff about them - let's hope it's not too OOC

also sorry if some of these are short!! I've got some exams due so im working on essays and my dissertation as well as moving back home for Christmas whilst I work on this 

"Guess what's pointy, red and in everyone's kitchen?" Nightwing asked through the comms. Every so often during unimportant missions, he breaks the silence with something. Sometimes it's just an observation, sometimes he tells them about something just implausible enough to be possible in Gotham and sometimes he tells annoying riddles. He argued that the last of those three is good training for when they face the Riddler but they know all of them are off the top of his head and aren't nearly as well formulated as the villains. Robin decided to humour this time after hearing a collective groan from the others. The night had been quiet so far anyway, he could do with the distraction as he waited for something to happen. Besides, he liked to join in on annoying the others when he felt like it.

"A knife?" 

"Close." The teen rolled his eyes with a smile. He knew the older was being difficult with the answer. It was definitely a knife. "Go on, give it another go."

"How is it not a knife?" Red Hood asked, agitated. If he was truly annoyed by the question then he wouldn't have answered. He'd probably take out his earpiece and put it back in when he deemed enough time had passed. 

"I said he was close."

"A knife after cutting something red?" Robin tried. Nightwing gave him a breathy chuckle. Come to think of it, he sounded breathy the first time he'd spoken but they'd all collectively ignored it. The guy was always on the move so they just assumed the urge to annoy them had come at a slightly inconvenient time. 

"Getting closer. Hey, I'll give you another one. What's 5ft 10, blue and currently has about five wounds thanks to what's pointy, red and in everyone's kitchen? Oh, fuck- Okay amendment one is definitely still stuck in me. They're so gonna want that back." Anxiety ran through the group like dominos, knocking them back one by one as they realised the gravity of the situation. 

"Wing, are you saying you got stabbed in the form of a fucking riddle?" Red Hood spat although the concern was clear. 

"Bingo," the older replied. "Pretty good for a guy who's bleeding out right? Speaking of, who wants the pleasure of dragging my sorry ass back to base? I made it like five blocks out before my legs gave out."

"Why didn't you just tell us you were stabbed?" Robin snapped.

"I'm a big boy, I can usually make it on my own," he replied, sounding almost infuriatingly calm for the situation he was in. "I'd probably tell you when I got there. Maybe."

"I'm closest to him," Batgirl announced. "Stay where you are twinkle toes. I'll be there in ten."

"Any possibility of making it faster? Something tells me I'm not gonna be alone when you get here."

"Why can't you just announce you're in danger like a normal person?" Red Hood huffed. "It's like you want to fucking bleed out wherever you are."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you care about your big brother."

"I'm going to strangle you when I see you."

"Someone's about to beat you to it. Hello, Joker Henchmen Four. Y'know I think you've earned a nickname. How about Stabby?" His voice broke off as he presumably focused on the fight ahead of him. As soon as he was given the all-clear, they were going to beat his ass. 

Just Robin Oneshots pt 4Where stories live. Discover now