Doing all your witchcraft to pull me in

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Queen_khalifa requested this a while ago and it is truly a monster of a fic


Something was wrong. When wasn't something wrong? There was always something bad happening somewhere and as heroes, it was their job to put a stop to it but this time the bad thing was happening within the team. 

Raven often had nightmares of her father. Who wouldn't have nightmares of their demonic world destroying father? She often dismissed them and protected herself with tomes but she never quite knew if it wasn't him. Her latest nightmare felt far too real.

Her and Trigon were standing in a place similar to her mindscape where she kept her emotions but unlike her mind, this place held no familiar comfort. The skies were red like blood and the ground was like scorched earth, unlike the grounding flat stone she recognised. He stood in front of her, towering but not at the skyscraper size she was familiar with. She felt like a little girl before him. He glared down at her with his arms crossed over his chest.

"You have failed me. Your team has interfered with plans they have no understanding of. Mortals have no place in my dealings with Earth."

"Earth is more than some dimension for you to destroy and it's a pleasure to fail you," she replied shortly. "My team saved me."

"They damned themselves. Your leader most of all. He was supposed to die, either by the hands of myself or Slade."

"No one is meant to be murdered," she argued despite the grim heavy feeling in her stomach. Her hands shook by her sides but she was careful to hide them in her cape to prevent Trigon from noticing them. He would love to see her terrified and she wouldn't give him that joy. He scoffed at her.

"He knows nothing of what's he done and he will pay dearly for it."

"You wouldn't dare hurt him and I know for a fact you're unable to. You're trapped and I will never let you."

"I may be trapped here physically but my powers extend beyond this plane of existence and you'll be smart to remember that." She narrowed her eyes and searched her mind for any small part of the text that said he could do that. Her heart pounded at the thought of his powers leaking through. "He will not escape punishment and neither will you. You will help me, Raven, as you are destined."

"My friends will never allow that."

"No, I suppose not. However, I doubt you will have the same stubbornness when you are burdened by choice. Let's see how sure you are of escaping your fate when the life of one you care for is put against the millions I will make suffer."

When she woke up, she immediately reached for the gem on her forehead. She didn't know what she was feeling for but she just needed to touch it to know it was still there. It was. She breathed a sigh although she wasn't sure if it was one of relief. There was a feeling of grime on her skin that a shower wouldn't fix but she prepared one anyway. It was just a nightmare, she told herself. Trigon was powerful but so was she. He needed her so he couldn't be omnipotent. Robin would be fine and so would she.

Just Robin Oneshots pt 4Where stories live. Discover now