Run run run

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i genuinely can't remember if i've ever done this idea but it wouldn't be the first time I reused an idea

This is set in that lil time where he lived with Kori in an apartment in the Judas Contract era but she gets to keep her model career (my fave thing they did for her out of work job, i love this concept dearly) and Donna is still in the picture

Kori couldn't be happier when she went to unlock her apartment door only to find it already unlocked. She'd been on a particularly long photo shoot with a particularly annoying photographer and wanted nothing more than to vent to her boyfriend who (despite having no idea who the photographer was) would agree with her. She texted him throughout the shoot but he hadn't replied, something not uncommon since Dick had a terrible habit of being sucked into the case with only screams and the sound of his alarm breaking him out of it. 

"I'm home!" Kori announced as she walked in, sounding like she was straight out of a 90s sitcom. She didn't get a reply, again, not uncommon if Dick was working on a case. She sighed to herself and locked the door, hoping he hadn't spent all day at the computer. His back could only take so much hunching over. 

However, the apartment was notably lacking the sound of keyboard keys tapping. Maybe he was watching something with earphones in? But he always had the worst habit of playing videos and music out loud unless told not to. There was no sound of running water or weights being lifted or even the sound of movement. The apartment was silent but he had to be there. Why else would he leave their door unlocked?

"You won't believe the day I had," she continued partially to keep herself calm. "The photographer was awful, he has to be new. He had no idea how to keep control of the set or how to pose someone above 5ft 9." She moved through the apartment, peeking around for any sign of Dick. Whilst she looked for reassurance, she could only find things that concerned her more. 

His office was empty and exactly as it had been the night before so he hadn't done any work today. That was entirely unlike him. Even on the rare days when he didn't have a case to follow or a villain to keep tabs on, he still spent time in the office to finish off tasks he'd been ignoring to concentrate on the bigger picture. If he wasn't in his office then what had he been doing?

Kori took a deep breath and decided to mentally retrace his steps. He would wake up, work out and then go to the kitchen to get coffee and sometimes a bite to eat. Maybe he used the last of the coffee or he'd dumped the rest of the sugar in his coffee. He could've gone out to get more but then he would've sent her a text asking if she wanted anything. He usually passed it off as being kind although they both knew he sent texts like that just in case something bad happened to him. She received no such text. Maybe he only just left? 

She pulled out her phone and called him, deciding that he was probably already halfway somewhere and was going to text her when he got there. He wouldn't mind a check-up call. Only when she called, she heard his ringtone in the next room. He didn't leave the house without his phone. He didn't go out on patrol without a communicator. Even if either ended up broken or out of reach, he still brought it just in case. She followed the sound and the pit in her stomach grew.

His phone was on the kitchen floor and a cup of cold coffee sat on the counter, a small puddle of coffee beside it from what looked like nearly knocking it over. Upon further inspection of the rest of their apartment, his car and motorcycle keys were still on the nightstand. His trainers were at the end of the bed and the rest of his shoes were still in the closet. The only thing missing were his pyjamas that he usually left strewn over a chair in their bedroom so he could quickly change into them after work.

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